Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

  • An Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a physical location designed to support emergency response, business continuity and crisis communications activities. LAUSD has its own dedicated EOC facilities, where identified staff respond  to manage the response to an ongoing, significant incident, prepare for an impending event and train together. Gathering the decision-makers and key divisions together and supplying them with the most current information results in better decisions and quicker, more accurate response to evolving situations. The District maintains a primary EOC and three back-up facilities located in different parts of the school district. The EOC supports the following incident management functions:

    Activation -Bring knowledge and expertise together to deal with events that threaten schools, students, and District operations

            Situation Analysis -Gather information to determine what is happening and to identify potential impacts

    Incident Briefing - Efficiently share information among team members

    Incident Action Plan - Provide a single point for decision-making and decide on a course of action for the current situation

    Resource Management - Provide a single point of contact to identify, procure and allocate resources

    Incident Management -Monitor actions, capture event data and adjust strategies as needed

    An EOC is not an on-scene incident command post (ICP) - where the focus is on tactics to deal with the immediate situation. An EOC is used to support on-scene activities through the prioritization of activities, gathering and disseminating information, and the allocation of available resources. 

    IS-2200 Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions* (Replaces IS 775 EOC Operations and Management) This free FEMA online course describes the role, design, and functions of Emergency Operations Centers and their relationships as components of a multi-agency coordination system. The course contains disaster-related examples, activities and case studies that relate to EOC's and multi-agency coordination systems at the local, state and federal levels of government. Each lesson in the web-based course has a printable version available as an additional resource.
    It is best to take the IS 100, 200, 700, and 800 courses* (linked on the STEPS website) before taking the EOC course.
    *All FEMA courses require a FEMA Student ID (FEMA SID) number, which must be applied for by the individual here. Please do not contact anyone in LAUSD regarding your FEMA SID number.
    LAUSD EOC Responder Training/Exercise Opportunities:
    Quarterly trainings (via zoom) and an annual EOC exercise (in person) for all responders are offered each year. Information regarding the annual exercise will be emailed to all EOC responders. Register for one or both of the courses (repeated quarterly) by emailing michael.edwards1@lausd.net.

    EOC Basics is strongly recommended to those new to the role as a District EOC responder. The EOC Basics session covers information about working in the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and what makes the EOC successful with supporting schools during emergencies/disasters. Topics include:

    • What is an EOC?
    • Who are you working with?
    • What resources are there?
    • How can I be successful in my role in the EOC?

    Using Veoci in the LAUSD EOC covers the  online EOC management application that we use in our EOC. This session is appropriate for new EOC responders and those who have used Veoci before and would like more time practicing with the application. Topics include:

    • Signing in and out of the system
    • Seeing how and where information is accessed
    • Completing tasks and sharing status with other EOC responders
    • Understanding how individual components contribute to the overall common operating picture during an  EOC activation
    Tuesday Quarterly Course dates for 24-25 School Year:
    • September 10, 2024              Emergency Operations Center Basics        8:30 am-9:30 am
    • September 10, 2024              Using Veoci in the LAUSD EOC                  9:30 am–10:30 am
    • November 19, 2024                Emergency Operations Center Basics      8:30am-9:30am
    • November 19, 2024                Using Veoci in the LAUSD EOC                  9:30 am–10:30 am
    • February 11, 2025                   Emergency Operations Center Basics      8:30am-9:30am
    • February 11, 2025                   Using Veoci in the LAUSD EOC                  9:30 am–10:30 am
    • May 6, 2025                           Emergency Operations Center Basics      8:30am-9:30am
    • May 6, 2025                           Using Veoci in the LAUSD EOC                  9:30 am–10:30 am
    LAUSD EOC Resources