LAUSD Housing Assessment

  • Banner image of women using a laptop


    The District is exploring the possibility of repurposing underutilized real estate assets to provide affordable housing for employees and families experiencing housing insecurity. As the first step of this exploratory effort, a survey is being conducted to assess the housing needs of our employees and families. It aims to gather statistically representative data to inform next steps.


    Through this effort, the District hopes to:

    1. Understand the living and housing challenges of families and employees.
    2. Define and quantify the need for affordable housing by geographic and demographic segments.
    3. Get detailed feedback on housing, such as desired and required price points, locations, amenities, and/or support features.


    Survey findings, along with the additional stakeholder input, will help inform the identification of potential sites and development options for affordable housing.


    Survey Open Period: May 16 - May 31

    Focus Group & Stakeholder Meetings
    During the month of May and continuing through the end of the school year.


    Survey Assessment

    • All Los Angeles Unified District employees.
    • Families of students who are or could be experiencing homelessness and/or housing insecurity.

    Focus Groups
    Qualitative data will be gathered from potential occupants; various certificated and classified staff and families in need of more affordable rental housing. Please reach out to if interested in participating.

    Discussions with District departments that would be involved in the financing, operation, and maintenance of any potential development of District housing and/or would consider affordable rental workforce housing to be a critical strategic component of their work.


    Employees and families will receive the survey via email. Families will also receive communication from Student Health & Human Services counselors and/or their Region office.