• Effective July 1, 2022 Vacation Accrual




    Below are frequently asked questions about vacation. Additional questions may be added periodically, so please check back often. If you have questions regarding vacation balance caps, please email PayrollVacation@lausd.net.

  • 1. I will have excess vacation on June 30, 2022. What will happen to my excess vacation hours?

  • 2. I am close to my vacation cap. Will I accrue my full vacation earnings this pay period?

  • 3. What should time reporters and time approvers do to assist their staff from going over their vacation cap?

  • 4. What can I do to avoid going over my vacation cap?

  • 5. What happens if I reach my vacation cap?

  • 6. Is there a waiver process to allow me to continue to accrue vacation when I am at my vacation cap? I was asked not to take my previously approved vacation because of work. I am now at my vacation cap and no longer accruing vacation time.

  • 7. How do I verify my vacation balance?

  • 8. How many vacation hours do I accrue per pay period?

  • 9. What is the Maximum Allowed column on the Vacation Balance Report?

  • 10. What is the 1994 banked vacation hours?

  • 11. I have questions about my vacation balance. Who can I contact?

  • 12. Formula to calculate when you might reach your Vacation Cap

  • 13. What is a vacation waiver?

  • 14. What are the eligibility requirements for a 2022- 2023 vacation waiver?

  • 15. How does the 2022- 2023 vacation waiver work?

  • 16. How long does the 2022- 2023 vacation waiver last?

  • 17. Is there a deadline for submission of a 2022- 2023 vacation waiver request?

  • 18. What is the process for requesting a 2022- 2023 vacation waiver?

  • 19. Where can I find the 2022-2023 Certificated/Classified Employee Vacation Schedule?

  • 19. When will approved 2022- 2023 vacation waivers be processed?

  • 20. What should I do after the approved 2022- 2023 vacation waiver has been processed?

  • 21. Where can I find the 2022-2023 Vacation Waiver Request Form?

  • 22. Can I request a waiver for the 21-22 fiscal year?

  • 23. What are the eligibility requirements for a 2021 - 2022 vacation waiver?

  • 24. How does the 2021 - 2022 vacation waiver work?

  • 25. How long does the 2021 - 2022 vacation waiver last?

  • 26. Is there a deadline for submission of a 2021 – 2022 vacation waiver request?

  • 27. What is the process for requesting a 2021 - 2022 vacation waiver?

  • 28. Where can I find the 2022-2023 Certificated/Classified Employee Vacation Schedule?

  • 29. When will approved 2021 - 2022 vacation waivers be processed?

  • 30. What should I do after the approved 2021 - 2022 vacation waiver has been processed?

  • 31. Where can I find the 2021-2022 Excess Vacation Waiver Request Form?

  • 32. Can an employee on a leave of absence request a vacation waiver?

  • 33. What is a formal leave of absence?

  • 34. What are the eligibility requirements for a vacation waiver due to a formal leave?

  • 35. How does the formal leave vacation waiver work?

  • 36. How long does the formal leave vacation waiver last?

  • 37. Is there a deadline for submission of a vacation waiver due to formal leave request?

  • 38. What is the process for requesting a vacation waiver due to a formal leave?

  • 39. What happens when I return from my leave of absence?

  • 40. When will approved formal leave vacation waivers be processed?

  • 41. What should I do after the approved formal leave vacation waiver has been processed?

  • 42. Where can I find the Vacation Waiver Request Due to Formal Leave of Absence Form?