• Educational Technology Grant 

    LAUSD's Newest Effort to Invest In Innovation at Schools

About the Grant...

  • The Los Angeles Unified School District is taking advantage of new funding sources to support schools in expanding efforts to increase student access to technology.

    Learn more... 


Frequently Asked Questions

  • girl-on-tablet

Important Dates

    • Monday, Nov. 16 – Friday, Jan. 8, 2016: Grant application submission window.
    • Friday, Jan. 8, 2015 – Friday, Feb. 26, 2016 – Proposals evaluation and selection process by Local Districts and Central Team to finalize grant recipient selection (Please note that the date has been updated in order to more formally include the Citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee and Board of Education). 
    • Thursday, February 25, 2016 - An action will be presented at the Bond Oversight Committee Meeting.
    • Tuesday, March 8, 2016 - An action will presented at Board of Education Meeting. 
    • Second Semester 2015-16 – Procurement process begins following Board approval.
    • Friday, July 29th - Monday, Aug 8, 2016 - Updating of product list & pricing.