• Career Assistance for Registered Nurses in Education (CARE)

  • CARE Logo

    Career Assistance for Registered Nurses in Education

  • What is CARE?

    CARE is LAUSD's newest Career Ladder program. CARE provides individualized support, mentoring, and financial assistance to classified employees seeking a career in school nursing. CARE is a program of support, not a nursing education program.

    Members are advised on the myriad of pre-licensure nursing programs approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing; however, the member is responsible for choosing, applying, and completing a nursing program of their choice. LAUSD does not have an affiliation agreement with any pre-licensure nursing program which guarantees admission for CARE members.

    Member Benefits      

    • Initial school nurse pathway planning, advisement, and guidance
    • Financial assistance up to $8,000 annually for education expenses including partial tuition reimbursement, textbooks, equipment and technology
    • Fieldwork surveys and experiences with LAUSD  School Nurses for early exposure to the practice
    • Yearly mentor meetings to offer support and review educational goals and benchmarks
    • Continuing education through the bi-annual Career Ladder Forum 
    • Hiring assistance to become a full-time credentialed school nurse


    Program participants agree to an employment commitment of two full academic years as a school nurse with a clear credential in exchange for the support provided by the CARE program. 

    Please review the CARE Policy Guide for complete details.

    Who Can Apply 

    Current classified employees may apply who are ready and committed to undertake a rigorous course of study and preparation at a regionally accredited institution of their choice that will enable them to achieve employment as a credentialed school nurse in LAUSD. School nurses are required to have a Bachelor's degree in any subject from a regionally accredited college or university and an active California RN license. A foreign bachelors degree that has been evaluated by an approved vendor for US equivalency will be accepted. 

    The CARE program supports its members in all phases of these requirements- nursing school pre-requisites, associate's nursing degree, and/or a bachelors degree. Prior to applying to the CARE program, interested candidates are encouraged to watch the information session below and explore various nursing program's requirements and prerequisites.

    Please see the Nursing Program Resources section below which provides information on many approved pre-licensure nursing programs in the state. Interested candidates are encouraged to explore these institutions' nursing websites for nursing program prerequisites and admission information.

    How to Apply

    1. Please schedule an individualized virtual advisement meeting with the CARE specialist, Holly Nuckols, RN: teacinla.co/clholly


    3.  Please log in with your LAUSD single sign.   Complete the profile questions and job specific questions.
    4.  In the Reference section, where it requests to put References for Teachers/Administrators, please add your current LAUSD supervisor


    Selected candidates will undergo an interview for final selection.




If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
  • Nursing Program Resources  

    This shared drive contains presentations, flyers and documents about various programs to obtain nursing licensure or bachelor's degrees for nurses.

    Please Note: This information is provided as a courtesy only.
    LAUSD does not endorse these programs or institutions.


  • Contact

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    333 S. Beaudry Avenue,
    15th Floor

    Los Angeles, CA 90017