Welcome to the Office of School Choice


    Led by George Bartleson, Chief of School Choice, the Office of School Choice is a collaborative group comprised of five departments that are committed to providing our students with a wide variety of school types with diverse academic foci.


    So, who are we? 

    The Office of School Choice is made up of the following departments (for more information, click through to the departmental website):

    Find us on Social Media 

    Our Objectives:

     The department is committed to:
          - providing every LAUSD student access to high quality neighborhood schools; 
          - providing school choice options for all LAUSD families; and,
          - streamlining the enrollment application process through an online venue
    How do we accomplish this:
    • Increase school choice
    • Increase high school enrollment
    • Increase accountability
    • Support autonomy
    • Launch a successful program for Unified Enrollment to increase choice and address enrollment trends
    • Provide ongoing information about current autonomous school models 
    • Provide ongoing professional development, support and assistance in building collaborative culture at autonomous schools
    • Facilitate workshops for teachers, administrators, and parent/community members about autonomous school options
    • Provide conflict resolution and mediation services
    • Provide comprehensive reviews including data analysis, site visits, and follow up recommendations
    • Provide information to families and communities on the LAUSD choice options
    • Respond to parent inquiries via apply.lausd.net
    • Conduct Public School Choice Reviews and Renewals
    • Conduct Pilot Schools' Annual reviews and Quality Reviews
    • Conduct Autonomous School Re-authorizations and Annual Reviews
    • Monitor High School enrollment
    • Provide site visit processes
    • Utilize school and classroom observation tools
    • Foster deep learning, a common language, and knowledge base across LAUSD
    • Conduct governance model and renewal training