Welcome to Federal and State Education Programs

  • The Federal and State Education Programs (FSEP) Branch, in partnership with two Title I Coordinators assigned to each Region, provides technical support on:
    • Title I, Part A, Fiscal and Program Requirements
    • Federal Program Monitoring (FPM)
    • School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
    • Schoolwide Programs (SWP)
    • Title I Equitable Participation in Private Schools

FSEP Mission Statement

  • To design, develop, and administer a technical support system that will assist central offices, Regions, and schools to execute federal and state school improvement mandates and to utilize site based resources that result in improved student learning. 

What's New & What's Due

  • 2025-2026 Budget Planning

    Budget Development materials are currently available. Click the “Budget Planning 2025-2026” link (left navigation menu) to access the Budget Development materials.

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  • End-of-the-Year Purchase Deadlines

    As the year ends, be aware of the procurement year-end deadlines for Title I purchases. All Title I shopping carts need to be submitted by May 5, 2024, including all necessary documentation.  Imprest Claim reimbursement request submissions should be completed by May 24, 2024.  The cut-off date for P-Card and T-Card purchases is June 7, 2024, with all reconciliations completed by June 14, 2024. Refer to Mem-6016.11 for more specific information. If you have any questions, contact your Regional Title I Coordinator or the Title I office.

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  • Compensatory Education (CE) Binder Dividers

    Each school received dividers associated with the Compulsory Education (CE) requirements for Title I. Schools are encouraged to collect evidence for each CE item. Be sure each divider has the required materials behind it by the end of the year. Schools can use this CE checklist to ensure all documents are collected. Contact your Regional Title I coordinator if you have any questions about what should be included in the binder. These documents are evidence of implementing a compliant Title I program and may requested by multiple agencies in case of review or audit throughout the year. The materials also fulfill the requirements for Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) review which occurs every 2 years in LAUSD.

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  • School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Reminders

    Regional SPSA reviewers will be contacting schools regarding any updates or revisions needed in the SPSA.  Remember all expenditures within Title I should be explained in the SPSA.

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Upcoming Events

    Gerardo Cervantes, Executive Director
    333 S. Beaudry Ave. 16th Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90017
    Phone: (213) 241-6990
    Fax: (213) 241-8032