Innovation Menu
  • Improvement Science

  • Collective Inquiry, Practice, and Efficacy

    The theory and tools of "Improvement Science" have produced performance improvements in many organizational sectors. With roots in industry and in health care, improvement science is a disciplined approach to educational innovation that supports teachers, leaders, and researchers in collaborating to solve specific problems of practice.  Improvement Science brings discipline and methods to different logics of innovation by integrating:


    Problem analysis

    Use of research

    Development of solutions

    Measurement of processes and outcomes

    Rapid refinement through plan-do-study-act cycles


    For teachers, school leaders, and system leaders, Improvement Science moves educational innovation out of the realm of "fad" and into the realm of research-based, evidence-driven continuous improvement, with the goal of increasing the effectiveness of educational practice.  That, in turn, will support schools and systems in responding to calls to improve opportunities to learn and student performance and calls to reduce achievement gaps by improving the day-to-day work of students, teachers, and leaders.  To learn more, click on the icons below:


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