
    The Classified Growth & Development Cycle engages employees in a dynamic process that enables them to reflect on their current skills, create development plans, participate in growth and development activities, and track progress, with the ultimate goal of positively impacting their overall performance.


    The CGDC is an employee-driven growth and development process designed to support improved work performance.


    In consultation with an Advisory Committee and feedback from multiple sources, we developed a Classified Performance Framework which defines competencies that are expected of classified employees in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Not all competencies apply to all of the hundreds of classifications, but all apply to many of the positions in the District.


    The Classified Performance Framework provides clear expectations for effective performance in the classified service, identifying exemplary practices that will enable us to meet our goal of having an effective employee at every level of the organization.


    We have designed tools to help classified employees assess their growth and development needs. We are enabling access to online courses to aid classified staff to support their growth and development. We are working with Organizational Excellence to bring these courses to you.


    Please refer to the frame on the left hand side for links to our tools, resource guides, and to access links to online courses. We are using MY PLN as our learning management system.


    Our Mission

    To grow, develop, and recognize effective LAUSD classified employees and assist them in realizing their role as partners in student achievement.


    Address: 333 South Beaudry Avenue, 16th Floor

    Los Angeles, CA 90017

    Phone: (213) 241-4683

    E-mail: cgdc@lausd.net

    Please feel free to contact  Lia Castano if you have any questions or concerns regarding our program.