
    Focus Reporting & Dashboards          Focus Support
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    Supporting education through data analytics


    Data loads were completed today, Monday, February 3, 2025.


    The More than a Meal FOCUS Dashboard is no longer available. The Office of Data and Accountability will be providing a new dashboard for the 2024 HIF collection campaign starting in August 2024.  Additional information will be available soon.   

    March 5, 2024 - The FOCUS CATALOG  feature Not Loading?    Please use the following workaround to access it:


    Click the Catalog icon from the Home page to open the Catalog page

    Click the Composer View icon (waffle) to open the catalog screen.


    Focus Access Issues:

    If your Focus access was recently updated, or removed, please go to oneAccess and request the appropriate role again.   If oneAccess still displays a current access role, please revoke/remove that previous role before applying again.   Any HR employee assignment updates on July 1, 2023 or after, resets your access automatically.  

    You will need to apply for access again.  This is a regular security process.

    If you need to review the Focus roles, or if you need more information about access, here is the link for the Focus Access Request Job aid.  

    Any other issues with access go to Request Software Application Technical Support and open a ticket for Focus Reporting and Dashboards.


Frequently Asked Questions

For help with accessing and navigating a report or dashboard, users may contact the ITD Help Desk. For questions about the content of a dashboard, contact the owner (which can be found in the back of the dashboard user manual). 

Download this job aid on how to request help with the application. 

If you cannot sign into Focus using your SSO username and password, please request access using OneAccess. 

Log into https://oneaccess.lausd.net/ and click LAUSD Employees. Then, click Focus Reporting & Dashboards to request access using the Focus Reporting & Dashboards application. 

Note: Your site administrator must provide approval using the Access Approval section. 

Follow-up requests regarding applications that have been submitted can be emailed to focus@lausd.net. 

Unfortunately, you must re-apply for access via https://oneaccess.lausd.net/. This is due to the fact that with a new role, you have a new supervisor and we must obtain approval from that individual for you to receive access to more data. 

Please see the above question, How do I get access to Focus, for instructions on how to submit an application via OneAccess. 

Implementing the new ad hoc reporting tool will improve the experience of generating reports using data found in MiSiS. Some of the major benefits include:

  • Flexibility – Provides more flexibility in ad hoc reporting at LAUSD, now allowing users to create reports at the local district and LAUSD levels if they have access to that data.
  • Self-Service Approach – Eliminates the need to request new reports to be created by IT – users can create and personalize their own reports.
  • Dashboards – Provides dashboards for various types of users (administrators, central office staff, school officials, etc.) consisting of the information those users need to have to succeed.
  • Historical Data – After integrating with MyData, will provide the ability to produce reports on historical student data, so users can look at information on a student’s previous enrollment and course history.
  • Up-to-Date Data – Data will be updated nightly; some data, such as select attendance and scheduling data, will be available in real-time.


Starting December 4, 2017, Focus is available via this URL: https://Focus.LAUSD.net

Focus includes job aids and videos that define the components of Focus and provide instruction on how to use the application’s features. To view job aids or videos within the application, go to the Job Aids and Videos section on the Welcome Page or any Subject Page (Note: job aids and videos on the Subject Pages pertain to the displayed Subject only).

The Basic Ad Hoc Reporting Class, an instructor-led training class, is available for registration in MyPLN. This class provides instruction on how to create and manage reports using Focus Reporting and Dashboards, including how to perform basic calculations and create a basic pivot table.

  • What's New

    Focus Reporting & Dashboards is updated with software fixes and/or enhancements every two weeks on Friday nights. Browse the notes below to learn about all updates released since November 2016, or view the notes on the application's Welcome Page in What's New

  • December 9, 2024

    Posted by Focus Reporting & Dashboards on 12/9/2024

    Release Notes

    Report Updates

    Summer School, TK-8, Program Report – The report has been modified with the addition of the iReady ELA and iReady Math information; and also with the removal of the Califoria ELD Standards Part I and Part II.  Access the report by clicking on Summary > Summer School Reports > Summer School, TK-8, Program. 

    New Dashboard

    Digital Citizenship Dashboard – The dashboard has been developed for users to generate reports that display schools that are near completion or have completed the requirement of the Responsible Use Policy (RUP) and Digital Citizenship Lesson.  The Summary report displays totals by different categories and the Detail report displays students detailed information. The dashboard is accessible by clicking on Operations > Connectivity Monitoring > Digital Citizenship.

    Bug Fixes

    Mail Merge Schedule Dashboard  – The CSV exporting feature has been fixed and is working as expected. The Course and Period columns are correctly exported to Excel.  

    Comments (-1)
  • October 18, 2024

    Posted by Focus Reporting & Dashboards on 10/18/2024 8:00:00 AM

    Release Notes

    Dashboard Updates

    School Immunization Compliance Dashboard – The dashboard has been updated to include three additional filters: 1. English Learner, 2. Poverty, and 3. Foster.

    Access the dashboard by clicking on Summary > Monitoring Reports > School Immunization Compliance.

    Attendance Trends Dashboard – The ADA (Average Daily Attendance) amount has been updated to the current rate of $90.74.

    Access the dashboard by clicking on Operations > Attendance > Attendance Trends.

    Subject Areas

    Course Enrollment Subject Area – The subject area has been enhanced with two additional columns: Additional TK Support Employee ID and Additional Educator Employee ID.  The columns can be accessed from the Sections Details and Section Attributes subfolders respectively.

    Comments (-1)

Embedded VA
  • How to request Focus Reporting & Dashboards access via oneAccess CLICK HERE


    Focus (MiSiS Ad hoc users ) URL Bookmarked or Saved to Favorites (403 Forbidden Error)

    Users who have previously bookmarked the Focus (MiSiS Ad hoc) URL might experience a 403 Forbidden Error.  Please delete your current bookmark for Focus, delete your history, close the browser then type focus.lausd.net.  Then bookmark the new URL if needed or save it to favorites.  We encourage users to always go to https://www.lausd.org/focus site first and then login from here.   

    About Focus Reporting & Dashboards 

    Available now, Focus Reporting & Dashboards (Focus) is a web-based reporting application that strengthens LAUSD’s reporting capability by integrating major systems used in the District. Focus consists of subject-specific dashboards, canned reports, and an ad hoc reporting capability. In addition to MiSiS, Focus consists of data from other systems used by LAUSD employees, like Welligent, Cafeteria Management System (CMS), and Adult Ed. During the 2018-2019 school year, new data and dashboards will be released periodically. 

    See the most common Frequently Asked Questions below, or go to the FAQs page for more information.