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  • Our Programs

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    Our mission is to provide a high quality early education program to maximize school readiness. It begins by enrolling your child into one of our programs.

Early Education Centers are high quality developmentally appropriate preschool programs that address the social-emotional, physical and cognitive needs of the population served. The mission and beliefs of ECED outlines a commitment and responsibility to the diverse cultural and linguistic needs of children and families.


Early Education Centers locations are listed below.  Click on the link for a site near you.

East1  •   East2  •   West   •   North  •  South


Hours of Operation
Usually 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday - Friday. Centers operate 246 days per year.

Who Qualifies
Families at or below 70% of state median income, family or child must have a qualifying need such as employment, training, seeking employment, etc. Fees may be required, based on gross family income.

Children ages 2 through 4 are served at most centers.

Parent Education and Outreach
Parent advisory council, two parent-teacher conferences per year, parent survey, parent education.


The California State Preschool Program Part-Day (CSPP Full-Day/Part Year) is a 6 1/2 half-hour educational program for children ages three and four years old, with priority given to four year olds. These programs are located at elementary schools. The CSPP Full-Day Program provides personalized learning experiences before children enter kindergarten.

CSPP locations are listed below.  Click on the link for a site near you.

East  •   West   •   North  •  South

Hours of Operation
Monday through Friday during the 180 day school year at 6 1/2 hours each day.

Who Qualifies
Families at or below 75% of state median income. Fees are not required.

Children ages three and four as of September 1 of the school year, with priority given to four year olds.

A family must complete an application and provide supporting documentation demonstrating gross family income.

Professional Development
The professional development for all teachers and aides are in alignment with the California's Pre-kindergarten Learning and Development Guidelines, State mandates for Desired Results and the Early Childhood Education Branch's Early Education Improvement Plan approved by the Board of Education in February 2001.


Curricula and Literature
The core and essential documents for the California State Peschool Programs (CSPP) remain consistent with the goal of providing a high-quality early learning experience that will prepare students for school and life.  The Early Childhood Education Division is committed to supporting all students with their cognitive and social emotional growth as they get ready to transition to the district's kindergarten programs.  The core curriculum, used in all of the CSPP programs, is aligned to the California Preschool Learning Foundations (Volumes 1-3) and the California Preschools Learning Frameworks(Volumes 1-3). Each of these guiding research-based documents is designed to provide standards and developmentally appropriate practices so all  children will be successful.  Based on the  foundations and Frameworks, teachers use a variety of strategies to encompass the diverse needs of all children.  In addition, students in the CSPP programs are assessed using the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) 2015 two times during the school year.  The results from the DRDP are shared with parents so parents can see the progress that their child is making in areas such as attention to learning, math, science, literacy, and physical growth.


Parent Strategies
State and District regulations promote inclusion of parents in early education programs in meaningful ways. The Early Childhood Education Division is implementing the Parent Leadership Institute to train all parents of preschool age students in the following components: Parents as their child's leader, parents as school leaders and parents as policy leaders.





The California School Age Families Education (Cal-SAFE) Program is a comprehensive, integrated, community-linked, school-based program that serves expectant and parenting students and their infants and toddlers. The program is designed to improve the educational experience, increase the availability of support services for enrolled teen parents, and provide child care and development services for their children.

Female and male students age 18 and younger who have not graduated from high school, if they are an expectant parent, a custodial parent, or a parent taking an active role in the care and supervision of their child.


Ages six weeks to 2 and a half years.


Cal-SAFE is currently offered at these locations:

Cleveland Infant Center                     
19031 W. Strathern Street
Reseda, CA 91335
Phone: (818) 885-3677
Fax: (818) 727-0964

Locke Infant Center

320 E 111TH Street
Los Angeles, CA 90061
Phone: (323) 755-0102
Fax:(323) 242-8621

Ramona Infant Center
231 S. Alma Avene.
Los Angeles, CA 90063
Phone: (323) 266-7650
Fax: (323) 266-7698

Roosevelt Infant Center
456 S. Matthews Street
Los Angeles, CA90033
Phone: (323) 780-6635
Fax: (323) 780-6636



Hours and Days of Operation
The program is offered during the high school's instructional time, usually six hours per day for 180 days per year.

Support Staff
Nurse, School Mental Health Consultant, Pupil Services and Attendance Counselor


Professional Development
The district is required by the California Department of Education to provide professional development to all Cal-SAFE staff. The division provides professional development in curriculum, instruction and assessment.

Dual Language Early Learning Programs

The Early Childhood Education Division offers 50:50 dual language immersion programs at selected preschool sites. Languages include Spanish, Armenian, and Mandarin. 

The teachers maintain the target language following the 50/50 model and “switch” at half day. Thematic connections are made  across the Spanish/Mandarin/Armenian, and English portions of the curriculum with intentional planning. Other defining characteristics for successful dual language preschool programs include:

  • Young children’s choice of language is allowed so they can express themselves
  • Children’s “code-switching” is not a problem
  • A language based environment that is fun and developmentally appropriate for very young children
  • Thematically related but different material is covered in each language
  • Scaffolding comprehension, use of visuals and movement to support comprehension.
  • Positive climate/culture affirming the value of bilingualism and celebrating children’s developing skills
  • Parents are encouraged about the importance of developing the home language, using their strongest language with their children, actively engaging in supporting home language development through talking, storytelling, singing, asking questions and eliciting their children’s “voices” in the home language.






135th Street ES
Phone: 310.234.4454
Region: SOUTH
Grades: UTK

City Terrace ES
Phone: 323-269-0581
Region: EAST
Grades: UTK
Languages: MANDARIN

Eastman Avenue EEC
Phone: 323.268.7408
Region: EAST
Grades: UTK

Denker Avenue ES
Phone: 310.327.9420
Region: SOUTH
Grades: UTK/PCC
Language: KOREAN

Eastman Avenue ES
Phone: 323.269.0456
Region: EAST
Grades: UTK

Saticoy ES
Phone: 818.765.0783
Region: NORTH
Grades: UTK
Languages:  ARMENIAN

El Sereno EEC
Phone: 323.221.2121
Region: EAST
Grades: UTK


Ford Boulevard ES
Phone: 323.268.8508
Region: EAST
Grades: UTK


Gates Street EEC
Phone: 213.222.0277
Region: EAST
Grades: Pre-K


Graham EEC
Phone: 323.582.1222
Grades: UTK


Grand View Boulevard ES
Phone: 310.390.3618
Region: WEST
Grades: UTK


Huntington Park ES
Phone: 323.869.5920
Region: EAST
Grades: CSPP


Lockwood Avenue ES
Phone: 323.662.2101
Region: EAST
Grades: UTK


Logan Street EEC
Phone: 213.989.1909
Region: EAST
Grades: EEC


Main Street ES
Phone: 323.232.4856
Region: EAST
Grades: UTK


Miles Avenue EEC
Phone: 323.581.2410
Region: EAST
Grades: CSPP


Montara Avenue ES
Phone: 323.567.1451
Region: EAST
Grades: UTK


Nevada Avenue ES
Phone: 818.348.2169
Region: NORTH
Grades: UTK


Normandie Avenue EEC
Phone: 323.292.0266
Region: SOUTH
Grades: UTK


San Fernando EEC
Phone: 818.365.9105
Region: NORTH
Grades: UTK


Telfair Avenue ES
Phone: 818.896.7411
Region: NORTH
Grades: UTK


Vista Del Valle ES
Phone: 818.838.3860
Region: NORTH
Grades: CSPP & TK


Wilton Place EEC
Phone: 231.383.4971
Region: WEST
Grades: UTK