• The Office of Emergency Services oversees the Integrated Safe School Plan system and provides guidance to schools for emergency response protocols, supplies and emergency drills.

  • Key Dates from Emergency Services 2019-2020

    Calendar Icon Week of January 27-31, 2020 - Spring Semester LOCKDOWN Drill
    (drill changed to accomodate new requirement per Superintendent that a lockdown drill be conducted within the first 30 days of each semester. New drill guidance will be issued in Spring 2020 to reflect changes in requirements)

    Calendar Icon January 28, 2020 - Spring Semester Radio Test



Reference Guides



District-Wide 2019 Earthquake Exercise and Radio Test



Inter-Campus/District-Wide Safety Communications Test


REF 5511.9

Completing and Updating the Integrated Safe School Plan 2019-2020



School Site Emergency/Disaster Supplies



School Emergency Response Boxes



Emergency Drills and Procedures



Metropolitan Transit Authority and Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department: Cooperative Agreement with Los Angeles Unified School District 



School Procedures During Inclement Weather



NOAA Weather Radio All-Hazards Alerts



Superintendent’s Emergency Notification System



School-Based Radio Systems



Spring 2019 Alternate Emergency Exercise      



Procedures for Fire Protection Systems



Emergency Response and Communication Procedures for the Release of Areas Closed Due to Emergency Incidents



 LAUSD Campuses as Safe Zones and Resource Centers






Threat Assessment and Management (Student –to-Student, Student-to-Adult)            



Workplace Violence, Bullying and Threats (Adult-to-Adult)



Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention (Students)



Lockdown and Rapid Relocation Procedures For All Schools 



Administrative Searches to Ensure School Safety



Procedures for Handling Disturbances or Demonstrations on or Adjacent to School Sites



Communication with Other Schools, Offices, and School Districts Regarding Incidents of Violence and other Emergencies



District Emergency Response and Preparedness



Use of School Facilities in an Emergency or Disaster Situation



Use of District Facilities by Law Enforcement Agencies During Non-Emergency Situations    



Crisis Preparedness, Response and Recovery



Guidelines for Preventing Heat Stress



Student and Employee Security   



Explosive Device Threats and Suspicious Devices



Emergency Broadcast on School Police Radio Frequency



Live Animals In Classroom, Service Animals, and School Sponsored and Non-School Sponsored Activities Involving Animals



Reporting of Missing Children



Emergency Operations Center Procedures



Protocols and Procedures to Report, Reassign and Investigate Allegations of Employee Misconduct 



 Student Emergency Information Form






Administrator Certification On-line System for Schools and Offices



Guidelines for Districtwide Fund Drives in Response to Natural Disasters




Other District Documents Referenced in the

Integrated Safe School Plan (ISSP) 



 Sexual Harassment Policy (Student-To-Student, Adult-To-Student, and   Student-To-Adult)



 Sexual Harassment Policy (Employee-To-Employee)



 Guidelines for Student Suspension



 Counseling and Educationally Related Intensive Counseling (ERICS) for Students with Disabilities



 Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Requirements




phone with emergency apps »  Download CrisisManager
QR Coceds
Versions of the app are customized for employees and parents/students. Both apps are free and are available from CrisisManager in app stores for android/ios smartphones and tablets. 
LAUSD Staff/Responder Emergency Plan app is available to ALL District employees and local first responders. The app includes 21 categories of emergency response procedures, all taken from the Districtwide LAUSD Integrated Safe School Plan template.
 LAUSD Community Emergency Plan app is available in English and Spanish for parents/guardians, students, and members of the public seeking LAUSD emergency preparedness information. This app contains information about how LAUSD schools prepare for and respond to a variety of emergencies and crises, including how parents and guardians are notified, how families will be reunited by the school in an emergency, and offers resources families can access. 
Each One Teach One Campaign - Help grow awareness of LAUSD emergency plans! Once you have installed the app, help someone else download it. Then ask that person to help someone else install the app onto their device. #eachoneteachone  
Resources for LAUSD Emergency Plan Apps
Staff/Responder Emergency Plan app resources
Please encourage employees in your school/unit to download the free app and familiarize themselves with the contents. Some methods to encourage use of the app is to add it to a meeting agenda, send an email, link to the emergency apps webpage on your website, or include app resources with other meeting handouts.    

Community Emergency Plan app resources
Everyone connected to our LAUSD community - parents, students, business owners, neighbors, CERT team members, etc. - is encouraged to download the free app and familiarize themselves with the contents.

Recursos en Español

La aplicación del Plan Comunitario de Emergencia del LAUSD está disponible en Inglés y en Español para los padres / tutores, estudiantes y miembros del público que busquen información sobre la preparación en LAUSD para casos de emergencia. Esta aplicación contiene información sobre cómo se preparan las escuelas del LAUSD para hacer frente a una variedad de situaciones de emergencia y crisis, incluyendo cómo notifica a los padres y tutores, cómo las familias se reunirán en la escuela e en caso demergencia, y ofrece recursos a los que pueden tener acceso las familias. Si ha estado utilizando la aplicación a través de In Case of Crisis las instrucciones para migrar la aplicación de In Case of Crisis a CrisisManager ya están disponibles. ¡Es fácil!


Recursos en la aplicación del Plan Comunitario de Emergencia del LAUSD
Se invita a todos a que descarguen la aplicación gratuita para padres, estudiantes y miembros del público. Se puede anunciar esta aplicación en las reuniones de padres, en las páginas web, en las escuelas, y en los espacios comunitarios como bibliotecas públicas y centros de recreación.

For more information about LAUSD emergency apps, please contact Dr. Jill Barnes at 213-241-3889 or jill.barnes@lausd.net.

An Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a physical location designed to support emergency response, business continuity and crisis communications activities. LAUSD staff meets at the EOC to manage preparations for an impending event or manage the response to an ongoing incident. By gathering the decision makers together and supplying them with the most current information, better decisions can be made. The District maintains a primary EOC and three back-up facilities located in different parts of the school district. The EOC supports the following incident management functions:


Activation -Bring knowledge and expertise together to deal with events that threaten schools, students, and District operations

Situation Analysis -Gather information to determine what is happening and to identify potential impacts

Incident Briefing - Efficiently share information among team members

Incident Action Plan - Provide a single point for decision-making and decide on a course of action for the current situation

Resource Management - Provide a single point of contact to identify, procure and allocate resources

Incident Management -Monitor actions, capture event data and adjust strategies as needed


An EOC is not an on-scene incident command post (ICP) - where the focus is on tactics to deal with the immediate situation. An EOC is used to support on-scene activities through the prioritization of activities, gathering and disseminating information, and the allocation of available resources. 


FEMA Logo IS-2200 Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions* (Replaces IS 775 EOC Operations and Management) This free FEMA online course describes the role, design, and functions of Emergency Operations Centers and their relationships as components of a multi-agency coordination system. The course contains disaster-related examples, activities and case studies that relate to EOC's and multi-agency coordination systems at the local, state and federal levels of government. Each lesson in the web-based course has a printable version available as an additional resource.
It is best to take the IS 100, 200, 700, and 800 courses* (linked on the STEPS website) before taking the EOC course.

*All FEMA courses require a FEMA Student ID (FEMA SID) number, which must be applied for by the individual here. Please do not contact anyone in LAUSD regarding your FEMA SID number.
LAUSD EOC Resources 
Link to LAUSD EOC Sharepoint site for LAUSD EOC Responders is available here for your convenience.

LAUSD EOP Handbook for Emergency Operations Center Responders


Did your NOAA weather radio sound an alert?

Check the National Weather Service severe weather summary page for Los Angeles to see if your school is within the impacted area.

Most cities in Los Angeles County have an emergency alert system. Find your local emergency alert system here and sign up for your community. 


NOAA Hazard Alerts

Schools can stay updated on local weather conditions through the National Weather Service at www.weather.gov. Access the local forecast by entering location information into the appropriate box in the left-hand column of the National Weather Service home page


Know Weather Alert Lingo
  • Watch: Conditions are favorable for an event; usually covers a large area and time frame.
  • Advisory: Conditions are likely to occur but will not be severe enough to prompt a warning.
  • Warning: An event is already occurring or is likely to occur immediately.  Warnings are only issued for severe events that threaten life safety. 


Using Your NOAA All-Hazards Alert Radio:

NOAA Weather Radio

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a nationwide network of radio stations that broadcast National Weather Service alerts and other hazard information, such as hazardous materials spills and Amber Alerts.  Alerts can also be generated by federal or state events, such as a terrorist attack. NOAA alerts are a key notification system for receiving timely information about weather emergencies and other potential hazards. In the event of an emergency, schools are to follow the directions in the Integrated Safe School Plan and consult their Local District for additional guidance and support. Always act to limit student and staff exposure to hazardous conditions. 

All LAUSD schools were provided with a Midland WR300 NOAA All-Hazards Alert Radio in February 2016 to help keep students and staff members safe during weather emergencies. The radio will emit a tone for weather events throughout LA County once the county Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) code is entered into the radio. 
The SAME code for Los Angeles County is 006037 and the frequency is channel 7 on the weather radio.
Tips for Schools:
  • Radios should be set up in the main office.
  • Radios should be kept on at all times.
  • Program the radio for Los Angeles County ONLY.
  • Add the NOAA weather radio to your annual ITD radio inventory. 

Emergency Services Presentations

The Office of Emergency Services has developed Power Point presentations to provide site administrators with training tools for use at their sites. Additional Power Point presentations will be added to this site as they become available.  To view a presentation, click on the title.

ICS for LAUSD Schools Presentation - Provides information about implementing the Incident Command System at LAUSD schools.

Emergency LAUSD and Partner Public Service Announcements

Public service announcement videos created by the Office of Emergency Services as well as PSAs from partner organizations such as the American Red Cross and FEMA are housed on the STEPS training video page. Check it out!

Other Videos Created or Hosted by Emergency Services

Triage for Teachers: Sorting the Victims

Search and Rescue for Teachers: Finding the Victims

Protecting Students


  • Useful Links

Secure online and mobile access to LAUSD school safety plans and maps is now available for local first responder agencies. Contact Jill Barnes at jill.barnes@lausd.net to establish access for your agency.

First responder agencies also have access to the LAUSD Staff/Responder Emergency Plan app. Check the Emergency Plan Apps for LAUSD tab on the home page for details.

AlertLA - LA County emergency alerts

City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department

Los Angeles City Fire Department Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health

Los Angeles County Office of Emergency Management

NotifyLA - Los Angeles City emergency alerts

Red Cross of Los Angeles

Southern California Earthquake Center



California Office of Emergency Services

Earthquake Country Information



  • Jill Barnes, Ed.D, CEM
    Executive Emergency Strategist

    General Line:  213-241-5337
    Direct Line:     213-241-3889
    Fax:                213-241-8950

    333 South Beaudry Aveenue
    23th Floor

    Los Angeles, CA 90017