Mission Statement
This website represents Los Angeles Unified School District's commitment to transparency. Here you can explore a wide array of information regarding the work of the school district and its impact on students, teachers, principals, and parents.
Student Enrollment
% of Students with
Excellent Attendance
Four-Year Cohort
Graduation Rate (%)
% of Graduates Offered
a Cal Grant Award
Introduction to Open Data
The Open Data Dashboard allows parents and community members to view, download, and interact with District and School performance data compiled from a variety of sources. The site includes such information as graduation rates, state assessment scores, and college and career readiness.
The Open Data Dashboard and self-help user manual contain functionality that currently works only in these select web browsers (latest version is preferred):
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Open Data Dashboard?
The Open Data Dashboard allows parents and community members to view, download, and interact with District and School performance data compiled from a variety of sources. The site includes such information as graduation rates, state assessment scores, and college and career readiness.
Why was the site developed?
The Board of Education approved a resolution in January 2018 to create an Open Data website to increase transparency and accountability. Through a system of datasets and data applications, parents and community members can explore a wide range of District information. The system was developed by the Information Technology Division and the Office of Data and Accountability.
What is the source of the data?
The Open Data dashboard displays information from the California Department of Education, The College Board, The National Student Clearinghouse and Los Angeles Unified school records.
What data is available?
The first phase of Open Data offers information on topics including school enrollment and demographics; attendance rates; graduation and dropout rates; Smarter Balanced assessment results; and college and career readiness. Information can be viewed by individual school and sorted by student subgroup, school type, and Board and Local District. Later this year, we plan to add more data related to academic performance, budget and finance, school climate and enrollment. Additional data will be added in phases, based on input from parents and community members.
Help us to improve our site. Please provide us with your questions, comments, and suggestions.