• Classified Growth & Development Cycle



    • Classified Performance Framework

      The Classified Performance Framework has been developed with the help of a number of stakeholders. This Framework identifies competencies, and corresponding behavior benchmarks, that are relevant to the positions in the classified service of LAUSD. 



    • Self-Assessment

      The Self-Assessment Tool will help you evaluate your present competencies. Login with your Single Sign On and select the CGD Tab. You will be asked to select competencies relevant to your present classification.  

    • Growth Planning Tool

      The Growth Planning Tool will help you focus on particular areas of growth and development. After you have selected your competencies, and rated yourself on the competencies, you will focus on a maximum of 2 competencies where you rated yourself as "developing." We have provided activities in this tool which will help you grow and develop in these selected competencies. When you select online courses, you will be directed to MyPLN and your progress in your selected courses will be updated on the growth planning tool. 

    • Portfolio Tool 

      This Portfolio Tool is designed to provide you with an opportunity to capture your self-assessment information, and your growth and development and prepare a final report for your supervisor. Your supervisor may consider all the information that you are providing to prepare your annual performance evaluation. You may share your progress and portfolio with your supervisor from this page.  You may print your portfolio as well and share the copy with your supervisor.