• FEMA Banner

    FEMA Courses

    We highly recommend that LAUSD employees, especially school site administrators, take the following four Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) online courses. These courses will give you a solid foundation in managing a disaster at your school. Please note that LAUSD salary points are NOT available for FEMA courses. All FEMA courses now require a FEMA Student ID (FEMA SID) number, which must be applied for by the individual here. Please do not contact anyone in LAUSD regarding your FEMA SID number. 

    After you have completed each course, please email a copy of your FEMA certificate to emergencyservices@lausd.net for our database.

  • Incident Command System blue button

    IS 100 Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100 - This FEMA course covers the roles and responsibilities in the Incident Command System (ICS) and shows you how basic ICS principles are applied to incidents. It also prepares you to interface with community response personnel during an incident. Click the blue button here and then click "Interactive Web Based Course" in  the Take This Course section of the FEMA course page.

    Single Resources Green button

    IS 200 Basic Incident Command System for Incident Response - This FEMA course prepares you to supervise or manage an incident using the Incident Command System. Click the green button here and then click "Interactive Web Based Course" in  the Take This Course section of the FEMA course page. You must have already completed IS 100 (the blue button above) to take this course.

    Incident Management System Purple button

    IS 700 An Introduction to the National Incident Management System - This FEMA course introduces you to the National Incident Management System (NIMS), which provides a nationwide template for incident response. In this course, you learn the concepts and principles of NIMS. Click the purple button here to take this course, and then click "Interactive Web Based Course" in the Take This Course section of the FEMA course page.

    National Response Gold button


    IS 800 National Response Framework, An Introduction - This FEMA course provides an introduction to the concepts and objectives of the National Response Framework. You also learn the roles and responsibilities of entities in the National Response Framework and how planning relates to national preparedness. There are no prerequisites for this course. Click the yellow button here to take this course, and then click "Interactive Web Based Course" in the Take This Course section of the FEMA course page.

    Other FEMA Courses


    FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency)  offers many other courses of interest to educators. Click here for course descriptions and links to other suggested courses.