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    About CERT

    The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community.

    CERT is a national program offered by local fire departments and other civic agencies to members of their community. It is a series of classes consisting of about 17 hours of hands-on and classroom training. Skills covered include: Disaster preparedness, fire suppression, disaster medical operations, light search and rescue, disaster psychology, team organization, and terrorism. CPR and general first aid are not covered in the CERT curriculum. CERT syllabus

    NOTE: CERT courses are hands-on, in-person training taught by local fire departments. There is no online option that substitutes for the hands-on experience. Please reach out to your local fire department for their CERT schedule.

    Community CERT

    Schools can host CERT classes for staff and others, arranged through the local fire department. If you are hosting a school-based CERT class through the fire department and you would like to open that class to other LAUSD employees, you may advertise it here. Send an email with the dates/time/location of the course, along with a contact person's information to oem@lausd.net. Please do send us a roster of employees who complete the training. LAUSD does not offer its own CERT classes at this time.

    Many local fire departments in the Los Angeles area offer CERT training, including LA City FD CERT and LA County FD CERT, among others. You may take CERT training wherever and whenever is most convenient for you.

    CERT for a Salary Point

    A salary point is available for completing community CERT training through the local fire department. In order to qualify for salary point credit for CERT training, each participant must 1) attend at least 17 hours of in-person CERT training and submit CERT certificate, AND 2) submit the 30 hours of required homework. Sign up for a community CERT course through your local fire department or other agency offering the training - do not ask CERT instructors or agencies about salary points, as they will not be familiar with LAUSD requirements. For more information on salary points for CERT or to request a packet of CERT materials to complete for a salary point, send an email to oem@lausd.net. LAUSD does not offer its own CERT classes at this time.