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Online Training Programs

  • The Los Angeles Unified School District has developed an online employee training program to accompany the substantial all-hazards emergency plan already in place at each of our schools. Called the Safety Training for Emergency Preparedness at Schools (STEPS) program, the courses allow us to offer consistent training in the practices and procedures embodied in our school safety plans and district policies. Please visit the Courses page for a complete listing of all courses currently available. The Demo Reel page offers a variety of video clips from selected STEPS courses to familiarize you with our trainings.

    LAUSD is currently developing a plan to offer all of the course videos to other school districts at no cost; unfortunately, due to limited resources, the timeline on the rollout is uncertain. Please complete the webform on the right-hand side of this page and you will receive information about the STEPS Partnership as soon as it is available.

To Request Information

  • To learn how to receive free STEPS video courses, click here.