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    Click below to view the list of STEPS courses (pdf here) in each category. All STEPS courses are open to all LAUSD employees and are available on MyPLN. Please note that salary points are NOT available for STEPS courses. When you have completed all 38 courses, you are eligible to receive a "Master Certificate of Emergency Preparedness". Send a notification email including your employee number and your name as you would like it to appear on the master certificate to emergencyservices@lausd.net.
    STEPS Courses (click below to expand)
  • STEPS 101 Employee Duties During an Emergency
  • STEPS 102 Basic Emergency Preparedness for Home


  • STEPS 201 What to Do if There is a Fire at School
  • STEPS 202 What to Do if There is an Earthquake at School
  • STEPS 203 What to Do if There is a Lockdown at School
  • STEPS 204 What to Do if There is a Shelter in Place at School
  • STEPS 205 What to Do of There is a Radiological Incident at School
  • STEPS 206 Classroom Hazard Mitigation - Making Classrooms Safer Before the Emergency
  • STEPS 207 Mediating Student Conflicts
  • STEPS 208 Responding to Threats on Campus
  • STEPS 210 Assisting Students with Special Needs during a Disaster
  • STEPS 211 Common Pediatric Medical Emergency Considerations
  • STEPS 212 What to Do When a Student is in Crisis
  • STEPS 213 Duties of the School First Aid Team
  • STEPS 214 Duties of the School Search and Rescue Team


  • STEPS 301 Responding to Student and Adult Threats for the Los Angeles School Police Department
  • STEPS 302 School Police Response to a Lockdown


STEPS 400 Basics of School Site Emergency Management is the prerequisite for ALL 400 level courses!

  • STEPS 400 Basics of School Site Emergency Management PREREQUISITE FOR 400 SERIES
  • STEPS 401 Planning for and Responding to a Fire at School
  • STEPS 402 Planning for and Responding to an Earthquake at School
  • STEPS 403 Planning for and Responding to a Lockdown at School
  • STEPS 404 Planning for and Responding to a Shelter-in-Place at School
  • STEPS 405 Planning for and Responding to a Radiological Emergency at School
  • STEPS 406 Conducting a Vulnerability Assessment
  • STEPS 407 Communication Methods During an Emergency
  • STEPS 408 Threat/Risk Assessment and Management
  • STEPS 409 Crisis Preparedness, Response, and Recovery
  • STEPS 410 Emergency Management for Students with Special Needs
  • STEPS 411 Operating the School Intrusion Alarm System
  • STEPS 412 Preparing for a Routine Safe School Inspection
  • STEPS 418 Operating the School Fire Alarm System
  • STEPS 419 Student Release and Parent Reunification Procedures Following an Emergency
  • STEPS 420 Incident Command System - Structuring your Emergency Response
  • STEPS 421 Principles of Unified Command - Working with First Responders and Outside Agencies
  • STEPS 423 Updating and Submitting the Integrated Safe School Plan
  • Log in to MyPLN to take STEPS classes!


     Break Glass box
    All employees are highly encouraged to take basic FEMA courses in emergency management.