• NOAA Hazard Alerts

    Schools can stay updated on local weather conditions through the National Weather Service at www.weather.gov. Access the local forecast by entering location information into the appropriate box in the left-hand column of the National Weather Service home page

    Know Weather Alert Lingo
    • Watch: Conditions are favorable for an event; usually covers a large area and time frame.
    • Advisory: Conditions are likely to occur but will not be severe enough to prompt a warning.
    • Warning: An event is already occurring or is likely to occur immediately.  Warnings are only issued for severe events that threaten life safety. 
    Using Your NOAA All-Hazards Alert Radio:
     NOAA Alert Radio

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a nationwide network of radio stations that broadcast National Weather Service alerts and other hazard information, such as hazardous materials spills and Amber Alerts.  Alerts can also be generated by federal or state events, such as a terrorist attack. NOAA alerts are a key notification system for receiving timely information about weather emergencies and other potential hazards. In the event of an emergency, schools are to follow the directions in the Integrated Safe School Plan and consult their Local District for additional guidance and support. Always act to limit student and staff exposure to hazardous conditions. 

    All LAUSD schools were provided with a Midland WR300 NOAA All-Hazards Alert Radio in February 2016 to help keep students and staff members safe during weather emergencies. The radio will emit a tone for weather events throughout LA County once the county Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) code is entered into the radio. 
    The SAME code for Los Angeles County is 006037 and the frequency is channel 7 on the weather radio.
    Tips for Schools:
    • Radios should be set up in the main office.
    • Radios should be kept on at all times.
    • Program the radio for Los Angeles County ONLY.
    •  Add the NOAA weather radio to your annual ITD radio inventory.