• Risk Finance & Insurance Services 

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    Insurance Compliance

    Insurance Compliance Manages the District’s Vendor Insurance Program Requirements, Including Self-insurance, and Field Trip Approvals. 

    All Vendors Contracting with the District Must Meet the District’s Minimum Insurance Requirements. Depending on the Event or Scope of Work, the Contractual Insurance Requirements May Change. For Detailed Information, Please Select from the Programs Below:







    Civic Center Program

    Coordinates the review of the risk and insurance for the use of district facilities by youth and Community organizations under the Civic Center Act.




    Field Trips

    Facilitates the approval of all field trips for schools and offices.




    Insurance Requirements for Professional Services Contract and Property Purchasing Contract Program

    Establishes, reviews, and maintains insurance requirements for all professional service contracts. 




    Self Insurance Program

    Fulfills requests to provide third parties with proof of evidence of District self-insurance coverage. 




    Special Events and Use of District Property

    Reviews vendors’ insurance and provides insurance requirements for all activities held on district property. All vendors or third parties providing services for the District must comply with District insurance requirements.




    Voluntary Student Accident Insurance Program

    The District makes it available through an independent insurance broker, voluntary student Insurance for one-day field trips, school busing, etc. and voluntary insurance for those who Desire supplemental medical accident coverage And cannot qualify through the LAUSD Champs program. 


    Helpful Resources  

    Risk Finance | (213) 241-0329 or at RiskFinance@lausd.net

    Procurement Services | (213) 241-3087

    School Fiscal Services | Visit their directory 


    We are dedicated to mitigating or avoiding potential losses to District to safeguard Students, Personnel, and Property.



    School/District-Sponsored Special Events Approval Process HERE

    Starting 7/1/24, Risk Control is now Insurance Compliance

    Note: There will be no change in services offered

    iFieldTrip Resource Page

    iFieldTrip Trainings on Zoom have been replaced by training on MyPLN.


     Review and Approval Timeline


    The review timeline depends on the event, possible review from other offices, such as the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, or M&O, completeness of the submitted information, and how quickly the vendor can respond to any inquiries or changes required by the review.


    The Additional Insured on all Certificates of Insurance must read:


    Los Angeles Unified School District & The Board of Education of the City of Los Angeles 333 S Beaudry Ave, 28th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017


    Should you have any questions, please contact Risk Finance at (213) 241-0329 or via email at riskfinance@lausd.net.


    Jesus Rico,
    Insurance Coordinator