• Field Trips  


    Insurance Compliance works closely with Principals, Regional Offices, the Division of Instruction, and the Office of Environmental Health & Safety (OEHS) to ensure field trips by LAUSD students are not only academically stimulating, but occur in a safe environment. 


    Things to Remember:

    • Overnight trips, out-of-state trips, and sites not on the pre-approved list require the prior approval of the Regional District and Risk Management.
    • All overnight field trips to pre-approved sites require approval of Regional District and Risk Management.
    • Please provide 45 days for evaluation of all non-routine, overnight, or out-of-state trips.

     Click here to access and submit Field Trips





    Nonpublic Agency Behavior Intervention Implementation (NPA BII) Insurance Compliance Status:


    To facilitate field trip certifications with NPA BII as chaperones, the Risk Managements' Insurance Compliance Unit is pleased to provide you with access to the NPA BII Insurance Compliance Status List. The NPA BII Insurance Compliance Status list includes the Agency's most up-to-date insurance compliance status.


    • If an Agency is listed as compliant, then they may accompany assigned students on field trips and ride the provided bus transportation.
    • If an Agency is listed as noncompliant, they will need to provide a valid Certificate of Insurance that adheres to the District's insurance guidelines, to accompany students on a field trip.


    If you require guidance regarding NPA BII funding for overnight field trips or extended camp activities, please contact the Nonpublic Services Support Branch at (213) 241-6282. 


    Click below for the NPA BII Insurance Compliance Status list:


    NPA BII Insurance Compliance Status list