• Risk Finance & Insurance Services     

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        Owner Controlled Insurance Program  



    The District's Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) covers construction insurance costs for bond funded (BB, Q, R, K & Y) construction projects, for both new and existing modernization projects.


    The District purchases insurance that covers itself, contractors & subcontractors involved in projects at no premium cost to contractors. The District obtains insurance at a lower cost than contractors. In addition, the District administers loss prevention and safety programs, and processes claims.



    OCIP Insurance coverage includes:

      1. Builder's Risk

      2. Commercial General Liability (CGL)

      3. Contractor's Pollution Liability

        4. Excess Liability

      5. Workers' Compensation

  • Owner Controlled Insurance Coordinator: Aristeo Aguilera (213) 241-7994.

    Worker's Compensation Claims Supervisor: Juan Chaidez (213) 241-2210 (Can assist with worker's compensation and MPN)



    Disclaimer: This disclaimer states to be clear that this site is maintained by the LAUSD OCIP Unit.  For site security purposes, the most current LAUSD OCIP Insurance manual is available to all enrolled contractors.  If you have any questions, contact Aristeo Aguilera.


    Resources                                                                                                                                                   Forms

    LAUSD OCIP V Insurance Manual                                                                                                                       OCIP Q&A

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Builder's Risk First Notice of Loss (FNOL)

                                                                                                                                                                                                       OCIP Claim Kit