
              Integrated Disability Management

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             Integrated Disability


    Welcome to the Integrated Disability Management


    Integrated Disability Management (IDM) supports schools and offices by centralizing various pieces of employee disability management through Reasonable Accommodations, Stay-at-Work/Return-to-Work, Workers’ Compensation, State and Federal protected leaves and Absence Management programs. IDM staff minimize the effects of disability and absence in the workplace by providing supportive guidance to supervisors and employees, consistent application of complex statutes and policies, and disability management training services.


    Please visit our frequently asked question pages and our website for announcements.

    Attendance Management
    Absence Management consists of the Attendance Program; Protected Leaves and Absences; and the Donations for Catastrophic Illness Program (DCI).


    Attendance Management


    Reasonable accommodation affords qualified employees with disabilities with equal benefits and privileges of employment similar to employees without disabilities.
    Stay-at-Work is a program to keep injured and/or ill employees in gainful, productive and rewarding employment.                                                                                                                                                                              
    Workers Compensation
    The Workers’ Compensation program provides state-mandated benefits to LAUSD employees who sustain a work-related injury/illness, without regard to fault.    





    Have any questions? Please try our Virtual Agent.



    Pregnancy Disability Paycode update as of 05/28/24

    Click here to view.


    Bereavement Leave

    Click here to view the bulletin (12/04/23)




    BUL- 4569.2

    Reasonable Accommodation for Employee/Applicant with Disabilities.

     Click here to view the updated bulletin (03/13/23). 



    Family and Medical Leave Act/California Family Rights Act/Pregnancy Disability Leave Policy

     Click here to view the updated bulletin.



    Employment Protections and Reasonable Accommodations

     Click here to view the updated bulletin.



    Mandatory Posting of Regulatory Notices - LIST

     Click here to view the updated list.