• Appeals - Disciplinary FAQs      
    • What does the Personnel Commission's Disciplinary Appeals Unit do?
    The Personnel Commission contracts with neutral third-party Hearing Officers to conduct hearings, evaluate testimony and evidence, evaluate the appropriateness of discipline, and make recommendations regarding appeals of suspension, demotions, or dismissal from service.  Full-evidentiary hearings for appeals are scheduled for permanent classified employees who file timely appeals.  Employees who have not completed a probationary period with no underlying permanency have no appeal rights.

    An employee must complete an "Appeal and Answer" form.  This form is sent to the employee along with the statement of charges. 

    The disciplinary appeals form can be obtained by contacting the Employee Relations Office at (213) 241-6591.

    The employee can appeal to the Personnel Commission, Beaudry Building, 12th floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017, e-mail pcappealsunit@lausd.netThe staff contacts for the Disciplinary Appeals Unit are Shannon Phillips, Appeals and Hearing Supervisor; or  Ana Cervantes, Hearing Assistant III, contact number (213) 241-7791.

    No. A notice of unsatisfactory service without a suspension, demotion, or dismissal action cannot be appealed to the Personnel Commission; however, if the employee wishes to he/she may contact the Classified Employment Services Branch at (213) 241-6300 and submit a rebuttal letter to the Notice of Unsatisfactory Service. Also, please refer to the employee's appropriate bargaining unit agreement for further information.

    Appeals - Examination FAQs      

    A staff member of the Personnel Commission determines if the appeal is a timely and valid appeal.  If so, the appeal is investigated, this could include listening to interview tapes, reviewing examination documents, or visiting location sites.  Once an appeal has been investigated, staff drafts a report with the analysis and findings and recommends whether the appeal is granted or denied.

    Times vary depending on the tape and number of appeals received.  Generally, an appellant will receive a determination within four to six weeks of submitting the appeal to the Personnel Commission.
    Notification will be sent by  mail to the appellant's address listed on the appeal form.

    An examination appeal form can be obtained from one of the District's employment offices or directly from the Personnel Commission website.

    Once the form is completed, you may either mail it to P.O. Box 51330, Los Angeles, CA 90051, submit it in person to the Personnel Commission, 12th Floor, Beaudry Building or email it to PC Appeals Unit at pcappealsunit@lausd.net
    No, the Personnel Commission has the final decision on whether an appeal is granted or denied.  The staff report is just a recommendation submitted to the Personnel Commission for final determination.

    No, all disagreements with rater evaluations are considered complaints.  Complaints may be submitted to the Assistant Director, Personnel; Talent Acquisition and Selection Branch.

    Classification and Compensation FAQs      

    Class Descriptions:

    • Official Personnel Commission document that states general requirements and duties, used for job classification.
    • Used by Personnel Commission, Classification, Compensation and Rules Branch, to perform job audits and support salary schedules.
    • Should be used by division managers as basis for position descriptions.
    Position Descriptions:
    • Tailors general duties of a position to division needs.
    • Is used to manage performance.
    • Quantifies, if possible, the key responsibilities that are specific to a particular position rather than the individual.
    • A division should have separate position descriptions for each position in the department.
    • Document essential and marginal position functions for reasonable accommodation consideration to comply with the Americans with Disabilities act of 1990 (ADA).

    For more information on how to develop a position description, please contact (213) 241-7800 and ask for a Human Resources Specialist.

    To access the index of classified job descriptions, please click the following link:  https://www.lausd.org/Page/18661

    To request a classification study of a position, a Position Description form (80.4) must be completed. 
    The form is located in the Classified Forms section or by clicking the following link:
    Once completed, the Position Description form (80.4) must be submitted to:  Personnel Commission, Classification and Compensation Branch, Attn:  Rosary "Guia" Kaplan, Personnel Manager, 333 South Beaudry Avenue, 12th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017 or e-mailed to PersComm@lausd.net.  If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Personnel Commission at (213) 241-7800 and request to speak to a Human Resources Specialist.

    Once the request for a classification study is received, the Personnel Manager assigns the study to a Human Resources Specialist whom will contact the incumbent and their assigned supervisor to schedule a phone or in-person interview to discuss the assigned job responsibilities of the position be studied.

    Once the study is completed, the Human Resources Specialist assigned to the study will notify the incumbent and supervisor via email, phone or letter of the Personnel Commission's recommendation prior to the recommendations being submitted to the Personnel Commission for approval.

    The Reclassification by Director's Approval (RDA) (80.6) is located in the Classified Forms section or by clicking on the following link:  https://www.lausd.org/cms/lib/CA01000043/Centricity/Domain/356/PC%20FORM%205104%20REQUEST%20FOR%20RDA%2080.6.doc.  Once completed, the Reclassification by Director's Approval (RDA) (80.6) must be submitted to:  Personnel Commission, Classification and Compensation Branch, 333 South Beaudry Avenue, 12th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017 or e-mailed at PersComm@lausd.net

      Talent Acquisition and Selection Branch FAQs      
    A list of current job opportunities is available at www.lausdjobs.org.  Corresponding job announcements are excellent sources of information that list the salaries, duties of the job, the minimum requirements necessary to apply for the positions, and most importantly, the dates by which applications must be submitted.  These announcements may also include the types of assessments that will be administered and tentative assessment dates.  Read the announcement carefully.
    •  What if I need help applying?

    All job applications are accepted through our application management system.  If you need assistance applying, you may call our help desk during business hours at (213) 241-3455 or you may request assistance via email at helpmeapply@lausd.net.

    • How will I know if I qualify for the job in which I am interested? 

    The education and experience requirements for a job are also listed on the job announcement.  Read the requirements carefully.  The job may require college course work, a specified amount of experience, license, certification, or skill, knowledge or ability in specific areas.  Additionally, the job announcement will indicate whether applications will be accepted from LAUSD employees only (promotional) or if applications from non-LAUSD employees will be accepted.

    A tentative employment assessment (testing) plan is typically listed on the job announcement.  Employment tests are based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for the job for which you applied.   The employment assessment typically consists of one or more of the following test parts:  scored supplemental questionnaires, evaluations of training and experience, written tests, oral interviews, technical interviews, performance tests, or in-baskets.
    Read the job announcement, then study material which you feel relates to the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.  For example, if two of the requirements for a job are performing mathematical calculations and interpreting regulations, some of the test questions will most likely cover math and reading comprehension.
    A Human Resources Specialist and/or subject matter expert will review your submitted application materials and determine whether you meet the minimum requirements for the position for which you are applying.  Your application may be reviewed before or after the test parts are administered.  Keep in mind, however, that if you do not meet the minimum qualifications, you will be disqualified, even if you pass the employment test.
    For your application to get the consideration it deserves, it is very important that you thoroughly fill out your application.  Do not state "see resume"  when asked to describe your responsibilities and experience.  Your qualifications will be evaluated on the basis of the information you provided on your application.  Your resume will only be reviewed for clarification purposes or if the job announcement states that resumes are being accepted in lieu of applications.  With accurate and complete information, we will be able to determine whether you meet the minimum requirements for the job class.  Failure to include the information requested could result in the rejection of your application.
    Please keep in mind that those candidates who are ultimately placed on the employment eligibility list, possess qualifications beyond the minimum requirements stated on the job announcement.
    Frequently, a supplemental questionnaire will be included with the application and will require you to more fully explain specific experience or qualifications.  The supplemental questionnaire focuses on the key responsibilities of the position for which you are  applying and allows you to elaborate on your previous experience/training in areas of particular relevance to the job.  Oftentimes, the information you provide on the supplemental questionnaire is evaluated and scored. 
    It is a good idea to keep a copy of the application materials you submit and the job bulletin to assist you in preparing for any test and/or interview that may be required.
    The school district is looking for the highest qualified applicants.  After each test part, a pass point is set whereby those candidates receiving a score higher than the pass point are invited to the next test part.  A pass point is influenced by the number of quality of candidates as well as the number of vacancies.  You will be notified by email of your assessment results.
    If you pass the entire assessment, your name is placed on the eligibility list.  The employment eligibility list ranks candidates based on their final employment assessment scores.  For each vacancy, any person in one of the three highest ranks which contain available eligible candidates may be appointed.  (For positions that qualify for selective certification, the top three ranks of candidates who possess a certain selective certification may be considered for the position.)  You may view your rank on the list by logging into our application management system.  Your test results notice will provide information on how to log in.
    Your chances for employment will depend upon the number of job vacancies that occur within the next year, your rank on the eligibility list, and your availability as compared to the availability of other eligible candidates.  Each department will choose the best candidate for its particular vacancy.
    If you receive a notice indicating that you did not pass the employment assessment, don't be discouraged.  District selection processes are competitive.  You may try again next time the position is open for recruitment, provided four months have elapsed.
    • How long is an employment eligibility list effective?
    Eligibility lists typically expire after one year.  The expiration date of a list may be extended past one year if the hiring department requests an extension.
    • Do I get bonus points if I am a veteran?
    If you are a veteran, and you apply for an entry level position, you may receive additional points which will added to your to your final score, but you must first pass the entire employment assessment.  If you pass the assessment, you will then receive five points if you are a veteran and ten points if you are  a disable veteran.  It is your responsibility to provide a copy of your DD-214 form before the eligibility list is published. 
    You must submit a separate job application for each job for which you are applying.  The exception to this is if you are applying for different jobs in the same job series (e.g., Systems and Programming Analyst Job Series), then you may be able to submit just one application.  Carefully read the job announcement for instructions on how to apply.
    •  How often can I apply for the same job?

    Typically, you may re-apply after 4 to 12 months, if the job is open for recruitment.  Carefully read the job announcement, as it will indicate when a candidate can re-apply.

    If selected, your name will be removed from the eligibility list for that job.  You will be asked to report to the Talent Acquisition and Selection Branch or one of the Employment Offices for new employee processing.  At that time, you will be required to present either (1) a social security card and driver's license or state-issued identification with photograph (a receipt for an application for a license or identification card will not be accepted) - - OR (2) a U.S. passport, a certificate of naturalization or citizenship, an Alien Registration Card, or a foreign passport with an authorizing endorsement.  Please note:  The names on all of your identification documents must be identical.    You must also be fingerprinted and sign a loyalty oath (oath or support of non-citizens).  State law also requires that all persons employed by school districts be tested for possible exposure to Tuberculosis no more than 60 days prior to employment.

    • What happens if I am not selected for a job?

    Our objective is to hire the best person for the job, so there is typically strong competition.  If you are not successful in obtaining a job immediately, your name will remain on the eligibility list for consideration for any other vacancies that occur until the list expires.  If you are not hired during that time, you must wait for another recruitment to reapply.

    Organizational Excellence Classified Training Branch FAQs      
    • What is tuition reimbursement and where can I find information about it?

    Tuition reimbursement is a fantastic benefit available to classified employees who qualify to help offset the expenses incurred when taking courses or trainings on their own time to develop and enhance their careers at LAUSD.

    To learn more and to apply for tuition reimbursement, visit:

    Tuition Reimbursement

    For a list of classes you have taken, you can view your My History in the LZ (lz.lausd.net).  If after reviewing your history you still have questions, you may email us at oetraining@lausd.net.

    By completing  a registration form or by registering online.  To download the program catalog and registration form, click the following link www.oetraining.net  To access LAUSD's online Training Registration System, please click this link http://lz.lausd.net/.  The system will allow you to:

    • View a complete list of classes currently being offered to classified employees
    • Search for a specific class you are interested in.
    • Enroll in the class or classes of your choice.
    • Read about future plans, updates and recent news in the Organizational Excellence Classified Training Branch.

    No, classes are free of charge to classified employees unless otherwise stated.  Classes are also available for Non-LAUSD employees on a fee-for service basis.  Please email oetraining@lausd.net for more information.

    By completing all courses in the exceptional supervisory certificate program.  For course listings, please visit www.oetraining.net and click on the Catalog.

    •  What are some of the other programs that the Organizational Excellence Classified Training Branch offers?
    • School Office Procedures training (for School Administrative Assistants (SAAs) and aspiring SAAs)
    • On-Site Degree Programs to earn an AA, BA, or Master's Degree at night and on the weekends
    • The Everyday Heroes Classified Recognition Program (recognize someone by going to:  http://classifiedtraining.lausd.net/employee_recognition/employee_recognition_overview)
    • Roll-Up-Your-Sleeves Open Houses (Drop in sessions at the ESCs to answer school office procedures questions