- Los Angeles Unified School District
- SmartFindExpress
SmartFind Express Instructions
You can call SmartFindExpress to review, create and cancel absences and jobs, and to modify preference lists.
Remember, SmartFindExpress only works from touch-tone telephones!When reporting an absence, always wait for the Job Number before disconnecting or the absence may not be recorded.
SmartFindExpress Access: (877) 528-7378 (877) LAUSD SUB SmartFindExpress Website: https://lausd.sfe.powerschool.com Help Desk: (213) 241-6117 Fax: (213) 241-8410 Email: subdesk@lausd.net
Jorge Amador
Assistant Director
(213) 241-6117
333 S. Beaudry Avenue,
15th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017