- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Certificated Salary Tables
Career Increment(s) (CI) Requirements
Employees paid on both tables can earn a career increment for longevity of service with LAUSD. To earn the first career increment, an employee must have been paid on the maximum schedule (Schedule 27) and step (Steps 10-14) for five qualifying years and must have completed the multicultural coursework requirement as stated below.
Subsequent to being initially placed on the salary schedule (rating-in), an employee must complete a minimum of two semester units or equivalent study to qualify for schedule advancement. Multicultural courses will not be required for schedule advancements after completion of four semester units (Educational Code, section 44560-44562).
Bilingual Differential
New employees may be eligible for up to $3,060 depending on the employee's qualifications, type of school assignment, services provided, and certification held.
National Board Certification The District pays probationary and permanent classroom teachers who hold National Board Certification an additional 15% salary compensation: 7 1/2% in recognition of their certification and 7 1/2% upon completion of 92 hours of professional duties outside the normal duties and hours.
A salary point is a unit of measure used by the District to determine placement/advancement on the salary table. A salary point is equivalent to one semester unit or 1.5 quarter units. As determined by the University of California, a semester unit requires a minimum of 15 contact hours with an instructor and 30 hours of outside preparation.
Master's Degree
$584 annually. Degree must have been awarded by a regionally-accredited university.
Doctorate Degree
$1,168 annually. An employee with a master's degree and a doctor's or equivalent degree shall receive the doctor's differential only. Degree must have been awarded by a regionally-accredited university.
Archive of Salary Tables2023-2024 Salary Tables (January 2024 to June 2024) 2023-2024 Salary Tables (July 2023 to December 2023) 2022-2023 Salary Tables (January 2023 to June 2023) 2022-2023 Salary Tables (July 2022 to December 2022) 2021-2022 Salary Tables 2020-2021 Salary Tables 2019-2020 Salary Tables 2018-2019 Salary Tables