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- Federal Program Monitoring (FPM)
Monitoring Selection Criteria
CDE considers several factors, including compliance history, program size, and fiscal analysis in identifying LEAs for reviews. For each cycle it selects approximately 60 LEAs for monitoring.
CDE follows a risk-based approach to identify where it should use monitoring resources. This approach includes several analyses of risk factors to guide selection of the local educational agencies (LEAs) that will receive a Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) review. This enables the CDE to focus its monitoring resources to foster student achievement and fiscal compliance. These risk factors identified are not, by themselves, evidence of noncompliance.Risk Factors
CDE considers program size, fiscal analysis, and compliance history to select LEAs for review. The criteria may be adjusted based on the data available and the results of the analysis. For 2017–18 and 2018–19, CDE will also consider data from the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) 2.4 reports since 2015–16 as part of the compliance history factor.
Fiscal Analysis
CDE also examines LEAs for several aspects of potential fiscal risk, including high per pupil allocation and carryover percentage. A sample of LEAs which receive a large total allocation of categorical program funds and/or which have had Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133 Single Audit findings will be selected for a review.
The funding sources used for the combined categorical carryover percentages are Title I (Parts A [Basic and Neglected] and D [Delinquent]), Title II Part A (Improving Teacher Quality [ITQ]), and Title III (Limited English Proficient [LEP] & Immigrant). The funding sources used for both the LEAs’ combined per pupil categorical allocation and COEs’ combined categorical allocation are Title I (Parts A, C [Migrant], and D); Title II Part A; Title III; Title X Part C (McKinney-Vento/Homeless), and Career Technical Education (CTE).
Data Reporting
In order to apply the risk factor selection criteria, current certified data must be available for each LEA. Therefore, if an LEA is unable to submit and certify data, such as California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS) enrollment or Language Census collected through CALPADS, the likelihood increases that the LEA will be selected for a review.
Source: CDE
For additional information, please contact Angel Covarrubias at (213) 241-6990 oremail to ajc2896@lausd.net