Federal and State Education Programs
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- Los Angeles Unified School District
- School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
SPSA Modification
Occasionally, a school will need to modify the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) based on assessed instructional needs and program quality and compliance. If there is a compelling reason to modify the SPSA, the school will need to complete a SPSA Modification. SPSA Modifications must be reviewed with council/committee members and are required to have the signatures of both the SSC chairperson and the principal. After the modification has been completed, the school will need to submit the SPSA Modification and, as applicable, a signed School Budget Signature Form to the Director and LD Title I Coordinator or EL Coordinator or PACE Administrator for approval.
For additional information, please contact Mohamed Tantawi at (213) 241-6990 or email to mkt3216@lausd.net