Federal and State Education Programs
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- Time and Effort Reporting
Time and Effort Reporting
- Federal and State regulations require time-and-effort reporting documentation for all personnel who receive payment from federal funds, which includes Title I, Title II and Title III.
- It is important in ensuring that federal funds are used to pay only their proportionate share of personnel costs.
- Specifically, the law requires that a detailed programmatic and fiscal record must be maintained to document that Title I funds are spent on activities and services for only Title I participating students.
- Time and Effort Reporting is one of the most frequent non-compliant findings by auditors, thus the FSEP Office has developed this section to assist schools in understanding and completing the required documentation.
- Failure to complete and/or provide this documentation results in penalties that must be paid for by using a school or office’s General Funds.
- For additional information, please see BUL-2643.15 Documentation for Employees Paid from Federal and State Categorical Programs.
Employees Paid from Federal and State Categorical Programs
This policy bulletin (BUL-2643.15) outlines federal and state regulations requiring all personnel who are compensated from one or more funding resources to document actual time supporting the cost distribution to each program. The rules governing the policies are stated in 2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance and California School Accounting Manual Procedure 905 for State. Payroll time reporting must reflect actual hours worked on each program.
Download Bulletin 2643.15
BUL-2643.15 Documentation for Employees Paid from Federal and State Categorical Programs
The section below is for schools using categorical funds. If you require the Bulletin and all attachments for other funds, please go to the eLibrary by clicking here.
BUL 2643.15 Time and Effort Periodic Certification with Attachments v102323.pdf 558.86 KB (Last Modified on October 31, 2023)
Time and Effort Resources
Time and Effort Digital Notebook
The Time and Effort Digital Notebook is intended to provide guidance on completing Time and Effort documentation for Title I related programs and funding sources.
While the requirements and guidance follow Bulletin 2643.15 as it relates to all categorical programs, this notebook has been tailored for Title I Programs at school sites. The notebook is intended to build school understanding of required time and effort documentation for categorically funded positions and activities.
If you have questions about the Time and Effort Digital Notebook, please contact our office at 213-241-6990. If you have questions about the requirements for other programs, please feel free to reach out to Accounting and Controls at 213-241-7041 or Acctg-Controls@lausd.net
Time and Effort Documentation Training
Time reporters are encouraged to take the MyPLN training, currently only available to time reporters.
Periodic Certification
For employees who are 100% funded with Title I funds, a Periodic Certification must be completed twice a year. Certification Periods are July to December and January to June. If you have questions on whether you should be completing a periodic certification or a multi-funded time reporting report, please contact your LD Title I coordinators.
The sections below are for schools using Title I funds anyone else can refer to the full bulletin above or download it from MyLAUSD.
Attachment B1 & B2- Periodic Certification (Fillable)
ATTACHMENT B1-B2 - PERIODIC CERTIFICATION_fillable_v102323.pdf 101.85 KB (Last Modified on October 31, 2023)
Other Related Documents
IOC - Effort Guidance for Continuity of learning Deployment 10-19-2021
Payroll and Time and Effort Reporting Requirements for Staff Deployed to Support the Continuity of Learning: The purpose of this communication is to provide guidance on time reporting, including the completion of time and effort documentation, for those employees who have been assigned duties related to supporting the reopening of schools.
IOC Time Effort Guidance for Continuity of Learning Deployment 10-19-2021.pdf 363.36 KB (Last Modified on October 19, 2021) -
Attachment A1-A4 Time Reporting Documentation Matrix
ATTACHMENT A1-A4 TIME REPORTING DOCUMENTATION MATRIX v102323.pdf 123.05 KB (Last Modified on October 31, 2023) -
Attachment C1 Multi-Funded Time Report (Fillable)
Attachment C1 Multi-Funded Template_fillable v10232023.xlsx 262.5 KB (Last Modified on October 31, 2023) -
Attachment G - LD and Division Admin Assurance (Fillable)
ATTACHMENT G - Region and Division Admin Assurance_fillable v102323.pdf 90.5 KB (Last Modified on October 31, 2023)
For additional information, please contact Angel Covarrubias at (213) 241-6990 oremail to ajc2896@lausd.net