Federal and State Education Programs
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Equipment Classifications 2024-2025
This tool is intended to assist schools when budgeting or purchasing equipment out of categorical funds. Based on the item and cost, it guides schools to what commitment code should be used. It also lists a few items from SIM (Supplemental Instructional Materials) since they are commonly mistaken for Non-Cap and General Supplies Technology.
Please refer to the Program and Budget Handbook or contact your Regional Title I Coordinator if you have any questions.
‡ Warranty Notes:
- Chromebooks from Arey Jones come with a standard 1 year warranty. Anything over that standard warranty is not allowable.
- Laptops from Arey Jones and Apple come with a standard 3 year warranty. Anything over that standard warranty is not allowable.
- Desktops from Arey Jones and Apple come with a standard 5 year warranty. Anything over that standard warranty is not allowable.
- iPads from Apple come with a standard 1 year warranty. Anything over that standard warranty is not allowable.
- Surface devices from Arey Jones come with a standard 3 year warranty. Anything over that standard warranty is not allowable.
- Promethean Boards from Arey Jones come with a standard 5 year warranty. Anything over that is standard warranty is not allowable.
- Viewsonic Boards from Arey Jones come with a standard 5 year warranty. Anything over that is standard warranty is not allowable.
Warranties for GST, Non-Cap and Cap equipment that go over 1 year are not allowable unless it's included as a standard warranty or at no cost.
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Updated 01-12-2024