• Elementary Mathematics



    MOBILIZE: A Mathematics and Science Partnership for Innovative Computer Science Education
    UCLA, in partnership with LAUSD, received a 5-year, multi-million dollar grant from the National Science Foundation. The grant, titled “MOBILIZE: Mobilizing for Innovative Computer Science Teaching and Learning,” is under the direction of Principal Investigator (PI) Dr. Robert Gould (UCLA, Statistics) and several Co-PIs, including Dr. Derrick Chau (Secondary Instruction Director, LAUSD).
    Using UCLA's Center for Embedded Network Sensing (CENS) Participatory Sensing technologies, MOBILIZE has developed and implemented challenging, engaging, hands-on projects and curricula for high school standards-based mathematics and science classes. Participatory Sensing allows students to collect and analyze data using mobile phones and web technology.
    The MOBILIZE Curricula:
    • Introduction to Data Science AB (IDS)--A UCOP approved core mathematics course implemented in the 2014-2015 school year. IDS has been designated as a "c" course in the A-G requirements. The main goal of IDS is to teach students to think critically about and with data. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for High School Statistics and Probability relevant to data science are taught along with the data demands of good citizenship in the 21st century. Additionally, IDS provides access to rigorous learning that fuses mathematics with computer science through the use of RStudio, an open-source programming language that has long been the standard for academic statisticians and analysts in industry. 
    • To learn more about IDS, download the revised brochure here.
    • To offer IDS at your school, click here. See Reference Guide REF-069702.2, Section I, A.1b (pg.4-5)


    • Algebra I and Biology--CCSS and NGSS aligned curricula is available in these two courses at the high school level to previously trained teachers.
    For additional information about MOBILIZE, visit the project website at: www.mobilizingcs.org.   

    Suyen Moncada-Machado
    MOBILIZE/ IDS Specialist and Curriculum Developer