• State of California Assessments

State of California Assessments

  • State Assessments

    Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium

     Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction – Mathematics Resources Page
    (scroll down to the “Instructional Support for Assessment” section of the page.)
    Website includes resources such as videos on the following topics:
    “What is a Claim?” (at 8:19 the video discusses how the claims inform assessment, including what students should be doing and what teachers can do)
    Deep Dive video for each Claim
     Presentation of Claims (excerpt from the Content Specifications document)
     Three-page excerpt from the Content Specifications document, which highlights the following:
    • Rationale for the Claims
    • Definition of “Sufficient Evidence”
    • Definition of Assessment Targets
    • Answer to the question “Will there be subscores below the claim level?”
    Prompt for discussion in schools/departments after reading the excerpt:
    How can this inform our analysis of and response to the CAASPP (SBAC) data?
     Protocols for looking at data:
    ATLAS Looking at Data (from National School Reform Faculty)
      Protocol for Examining Data (from Winston-Salem/Forsythe County School District)
    Looking at Data (from School Reform Initiative)
     Various protocols design to guide an objective analysis of data within schools or departments.   K-12
    Rationale for the Claims (one document per claim, excerpts from the Content Specifications document)
     Recommended to be used in conjunction with school’s analysis of their department-wide CAASPP scores. For example, if their scores indicate students performed lower on Claim 3 they can read the Rationale for Claim #3 as well as the targets for their grade level and discuss:
    What opportunities can we create in the classroom for students to practice the targets for this claim?How will we formatively assess students’ progress on the targets?
    What structures will we use to share and analyze formative assessment data in order to reflect, revise and plan instruction? 

    Tools for Focusing Instruction on the Standards for Mathematical Practices (SMP):

    Rubric for Implementation of SMPs

    Each claim focuses on different SMPs. Depending on the results of the school’s CAASPP data, they may want to select a couple of focus SMPs. These documents can guide their instruction around their chosen focus SMPs.

    Implementing the SMPs – Helps teachers select tasks and teacher moves that support each SMP
    SMP Proficiency Matrix – This is a rubric for assessing students’ proficiency with each SMP. This would bring to the forefront the need for teachers to assess students’ cognitive skills (aka SMPs) in addition to content knowledge. This would also be something that can be shared with students so they can focus on developing their own skills.


    Rubric for Implementation of SMPs – Could be used by teachers as a self-assessment or as part of a peer observation process. Could also be used by administrators to give feedback to teachers after observations.
    Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Claims, Targets, and Standard Alignment for
     The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) created hierarchy comprised of claims and targets that together can be used to make statements about student achievement. The claim is a broad statement that will outline the outcomes achieved with mastery of the standards within it. Within each claim are a variety of assessment targets that further clarify the knowledge and specific skills that cross over a cluster of standards.  K-12
     Predicting PARCC and SBAC Results. An article by Matthew R. Larson and Steven Leinwand  The potential drop in reported state proficiency rates when the new CCSSM assessments are implemented will require adjusted expectations. Many educators are beginning to ask—with justifiable anxiety, given the consequences attached to student performance—how their students might perform when the new assessments are first administered in the 2014–15 school year.  
    Scale Score Ranges for Smarter Balanced Summative  Assessments  This document provides the scale score for mathematics (pg. 23) and other important score interpreting information. This document contains the file layout and data definitions for the 2015 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) assessments administered by your local educational agency (LEA) in 2015. The data include student demographic information, test scores, and test administration information.   K-12
    High School Mathematics Item Specification Claim


    Grades 6-8 Mathematics Item Specification Claim 4
     Items/tasks written primarily to assess claims, such as Claim 4 will necessarily involve some Claim 1 content targets. Related Claim 1 targets should be listed below the Claim 4 targets in the item form. If Claim 2 or 3 targets are also directly related to the item/task, list those following the Claim 1 targets in order of prominence. Each item/task should be classified as having a primary, or dominant, content focus. The content should draw upon the knowledge and skills articulated in the progression of standards leading up to and including the targeted grades with strong emphasis on the major work of previous grades.  6-8
     The Guide to Your CAASPP Student Score Report  This guide will help parents follow their child’s report and the recommendations that are provided. It explains that the range bar is the exact test score. There are four achievement levels: Standard Exceeded, Standard Met, Standard Nearly Met, and Standard Not Met. Because these are based on different academic standards, these scores cannot be compared with scores from previous tests your child may have taken in past years.  K-12