• Parent and Family Resources

    Resources that would help parents assist their students in mathematics can be found on this page.

Learn More About the Common Core

Conversation: A Three-Minute Video on Common Core State Standards from CGCS Video Maker on Vimeo.

This three-minute video explains how the Common Core State Standards will help students achieve at high levels and help them learn what they need to know to get to graduation and beyond.

Conversation: Three-Minute Video on the Common Core State Standards (Spanish version) from CGCS Video Maker on Vimeo.

This three-minute video in Spanish explains how the Common Core State Standards will help students achieve at high levels and help them learn what they need to know to get to graduation and beyond.

Conversation: Common Core PSA on Mathematics from CGCS Video Maker on Vimeo.

This 30-second Public Service Announcement has been developed by the Council of the Great City Schools to increase public awareness and engagement of the Common Core State Standards.

Conversation: Common Core PSA on Mathematics (Spanish version) from CGCS Video Maker on Vimeo.

This 30-second Public Service Announcement in Spanish has been developed by the Council of the Great City Schools to increase public awareness and engagement of the Common Core State Standards.

K-12 Video Resources

  • Milestones is a free online collection of videos aimed at helping parents and guardians understand grade-level expectations. On this page, find videos featuring students demonstrating what success looks like in math, grade by grade. View all of the videos on the Great Kids Milestones.

Placement and Other Information

  • If you would like to read the LAUSD policies specifically addressing mathematics, including placement and pathway options, you can visit the Math Memos page.

Secondary Math Pathways Video

  • If you would like more information about Secondary Math pathways and course options available for your student, please watch the short video below.
    Math Pathway Video