• PSC 2.0 was the second year of Public School Choice and the process was steadily evolving to enhance what was created during the first year. 
    The Superintendent reviewed the plans and the recommendations of the reviewers. He based his recommendation to the School Board for approval for those plans that best met his four guiding principles:
    • Strong, research-based, data-driven instructional plan with a clear assessment methodology
    • Proven track record of success with students of similar demographics
    • Strong outreach plan and a collaborative approach with all stakeholders
    • Effective structures to support the implementation of their instructional plan.

    Several teams of reviewers read the PSC 2.0 plans and the Superintendent utilized their feedback along with other data points to make his recommendations to the Board of Education.  Former Superintendent Cortines presented his final recommendations for the PSC 2.0 schools to the Board of Education on March 15, 2011. Recommendations for Huntington Park High, which participated in PSC 2.5, were announced April 12, 2011 and the final Board decisions were released on May 10, 2011.  After receiving the recommendations from the Superintendent, the Board of Education had the liberty to accept or reject his recommendations.  The links below contain the Superintendent's recommendations to the Board and the Board of Educations final decisions.

    PSC 2.0 Superintendent's Recommendations to the Board
    PSC 2.5 Superintendent's Recommendation to the Board

    PSC 2.0 School Board Decisions
    PSC 2.5 School Board Decision

    Schools applying to become Pilot Schools must go through an additional review process. The LA Pilot School Steering Committee must review all school plans requesting to become a Pilot school and provide feedback to the Superintendent.  Members of this review team include individuals from LAUSD, UTLA, AALA and the community.  The Steering Committee reviewed, provided feedback and made recommendations on the 18 Pilot School proposals submitted via Public School Choice 2.0.

    PSC 2.0 Pilot Schools Feedback and Recommendations to the Superintendent

    Another part of the PSC 2.0 process included an advisory vote.  The League of Women Voters Los Angeles managed this process and provided a comprehensive report of their results which included how parents viewed the plans and actually cast a vote for the plan they felt was best suited for their child's school. 

    PSC 2.0 Report from League of Women Voter's LA

    The final part of the PSC 2.0 process involved Families In Schools.  They hosted parent meetings and acted as observers throughout the entire process and provided the District with a report summarizing their findings.

    PSC 2.0 Families In Schools Report