• PSC Schoolhouse Logo
    Welcome to the Public School Choice (PSC) website.  The Los Angeles Unified School District is committed to ensuring success for all of our students and creating innovative learning opportunities.  The Public School Choice Initiative passed by the Los Angeles Board of Education in 2009, offered a new way of opening newly constructed schools and turning around chronically under performing schools.  To learn more about the Public School Choice Resolution and see how school stakeholders participated in the various rounds of the PSC process, please choose the PSC cycle below that you are interested in.  Each cycle will list the schools involved and share information about the plans submitted and decisions made for those schools.  
    Please note that the PSC process varied in each round.  As an example, you will notice in the earlier rounds of PSC that there was a parent advisory vote and in later rounds there were more comprehensive workshops and authentic feedback from parents and community members. 
    For information regarding the schools and cycles of the Public School Choice Initiative, please visit the specific PSC web pages by cycles:
    Thank you!