High Schools

  • ZOC Timeline and Legend:  Key Dates and Official Zone Names
    ZOC Outreach:  The months of August and September are the perfect time to reach out to eighth grade students and families at your feeder middle schools as we are a month away from when they will be ranking their high school choices using the online selection process. To facilitate your outreach efforts, the Zones of Choice office has created ZOC Outreach Event Planning Guide. Please feel free to use the sample parent letter, flyer and event agenda provided, and adapt them to your needs. We encourage you to begin coordinating outreach events with your fellow ZOC high schools and feeder middle schools, if you have not already done so. Examples of events that some ZOC schools have already planned include:
    • Open House events on campus on a Saturday morning or on weekday evenings
    • Visits to middle schools to make presentations to 8th grade students
    • Visits to parent meetings at feeder middle schools to share high school information
    • Inviting 8th grade students and families to high school sporting, theatrical and other student events

School Resources