Office of Student Civil Rights
Page Navigation
- Office of Student Civil Rights
- Administrator Certification
- Bullying and Hazing Prevention
- Child Abuse Prevention
- Code of Conduct with Students
- Nondiscrimination
- Hate Motivated Incidents and Crimes Prevention
- LGBTQ Resources/Supports
- Section 504 & Individuals with Disabilities (Disability-Based Nondiscrimination)
- Sexual Harassment Prevention
- Title IX (Sex-Based Nondiscrimination)
- Title VI (Race-Based Nondiscrimination)
- UCP Complaints
- Williams and State Preschool Health and Safety Issues Complaints
- Office of ADA Compliance
- Office of the General Counsel
- Non-Discrimination Statement
- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Title VI (Race-Based Nondiscrimination)
Title VI - Race, Color, & National Origin Nondiscrimination Statute
Title VI is a federal law that protects persons from discrimination based on their race, color or national origin in any program or activity that receives federal financial assistance. Title VI ensures that a school district will provide the same opportunities for the above students to participate in programs and classes to the same extent afforded to others.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 says that “No person…shall, on the grounds of race or ethnicity, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.”
There are many possible forms of illegal discrimination based on race or ethnicity, color, or national origin which limit the opportunities of students to gain equal access to the District's programs, activities, and services.
Complaint Process
Students/parents/guardians can report their verbal or written Title VI complaint to the school administrator within six months from the date the incident occurred or when knowledge of the complaint was first obtained. Complainants have the right to a timely and informal resolution at the school site.
Students/parents/guardians may also file a formal written discrimination complaint under the District's Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) with the Office of Student Civil Rights. The formal UCP Complaint form can be obtained by clicking the highlighted link, contacting your child's school, or the Office of Student Civil Rights at (213) 241-7682.
UCP complaints will be investigated by the Office of Student Civil Rights and will be resolved within sixty days of receipt of the written complaint.FOR ASSISTANCE:School: Speak to the site administrator or Title IX Complaint Manager/Designee.Region: Speak to the Region Administrator of Operations or Title IX Complaint Manager/Designee.Central Office: Speak to the Office of Student Civil Rights, Title IX Coordinator. PHONE: (213) 241-7682; ADDRESS: 333 South Beaudry Ave., 20th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017.
Related Policy & Resources
- BUL-2047.2: Responding to Hate Motivated Incidents and Crimes
- Dress Codes and Uniforms
- FACT SHEET: Protecting Students from Discrimination Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics
- Guidelines for Teaching Religion About Religions
- Holiday Displays and Programs
- iSTAR (Incident System Tracking Accountability Report)
- OCR July 2024 Fact Sheet: Harassment based on Race, Color, or National Origin on School Campuses
- OCR March 2024 Dear Colleague Letter: Addressing Discrimination Against Muslim, Arab, Sikh, South Asian, Hindu, and Palestinian Students
- OCR May 2023 Dear Colleague Letter: Addressing Discrimination Against Jewish Students
- OCR May 2024 Dear Colleague Letter: Title VI and Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics Discrimination
- OCR November 2023 Dear Colleague Letter: Discrimination, including Harassment, Based on Shared Ancestry or Ethnic Characteristics
- Office of Human Relations, Diversity and Equity
- Regions