Sexual Harassment

  • 5 children hugging while walking on playground The Los Angeles Unified School District is committed to maintaining a working and learning environment that is free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment of, or by employees, students, third parties or persons doing business that takes place or is affiliated with the District, is a form of sex discrimination in that it constitutes differential treatment on the basis of actual or perceived sex, sexual orientation or gender. As such, any act of sexual harassment is a violation of state and federal laws, as well as District policy and is prohibited.

    The District considers sexual harassment to be a serious offense which can result in disciplinary action to the offending employee or student, including the suspension or expulsion of the offending student in Grades 4-12. While suspension or expulsion as a disciplinary consequence for sexual harassment shall not apply to students enrolled in Kindergarten and Grades 1-3 under California law, other disciplinary actions or interventions may be taken as appropriate.

    Students or employees of the District who believe that they have been a target of sexual harassment as defined under Title IX may bring the problem to the attention of the site administrator, the site Title IX/Bullying Complaint Manager, the District’s Title IX Coordinator or any elementary or secondary school employee. The grievance procedure and options available will be explained and the grievance procedure may be initiated.  All complaints will be promptly investigated in a way that respects the privacy of all parties concerned to the extent provided for under law. The District will take appropriate actions reasonably calculated to eliminate the harassment, prevents its recurrence and remedy its effects. The District prohibits retaliatory behavior against anyone who files a sexual harassment complaint or who participates in the complaint investigation process.

    School: Speak to the site administrator or Title IX Complaint Manager/Designee.
    Local District: Speak to the Region Administrator of Operations or Title IX Complaint Manager/Designee.
    Central Office: Speak to the Office of Student Civil Rights, Title IX Coordinator. PHONE: (213) 241-7682; ADDRESS: 333 South Beaudry Ave., 18th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017. EMAIL: 

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