Expanded School Based Management Model

  • On April 2010, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA) sponsored the establishment of the Expanded School-Based Management Model (ESBMM) within LAUSD. The purpose of establishing ESBMM is to enhance flexibility, accountability, and local control for participating schools to promote academic excellence and full engagement by the school community. As one of the voluntary autonomous school models, schools can use their flexibilities to improve the educational learning environment and their students’ performance.

    ESBMM Schools transfer authority directly to the school level. This school model provides charter-like flexibilities and local control of schools to promote academic excellence and full engagement of the school community. Funding is provided through a site-based funding model determined by the District. Responsibility and decision-making over school operations is transferred to the administrator, teachers, parents, and in some cases, the students and community members through the School Leadership Council. These schools remain part of the District but have increased control over decision-making and use of their resources. ESBMM schools are held to higher levels of accountability in exchange for increased autonomy. They are open to students in accordance with the LAUSD student assignment plan.

    ESBMM schools are exempt from District policies but are still subject to state and federal laws and applicable collective bargaining agreements. All provisions of the District-UTLA Collective Bargaining Agreement continue to apply to UTLA bargaining unit members assigned to ESBMM schools.

How to Become an ESBMM School

  • ESBMM schools are established through a Request for Proposal (RFP) process, developed by LAUSD and a UTLA appointed representative.  The process will be administered by the Local Options Oversight Committee (LOOC).  The RFP process includes the following steps:
    1. Applicant schools should consider a planning year that will involve:
      • Outreach and involvement of school stakeholders (parents, classified staff, administrators, and UTLA-represented employees)
      • Training for school staff regarding the ESBM model
    2. Submit Letter of Intent to LOOC, signed by the school Principal and UTLA Chapter Chair after a vote by the School Leadership Council
    3. Develop and write the ESBMM proposal in response to RFP guidelines (see ESBMM RFP document)
    4. Written proposal is shared with all school staff (certificated and classified) and stakeholders for input.
    5. Staff vote; approval will be evidenced by a vote of support from 67% of UTLA bargaining unit members who work 50% or more time at the school site, as well as demonstrated engagement from classified staff and parents in support of the proposal.
    6. Submit final proposal to LOOC with documentation of Step 5.
    7. Submitted proposals are reviewed by the Superintendent's designated staff who will give recommendations to the Superintendent.
    8. School receives written approval from the Superintendent/Designee.