School teams review data, observe classrooms, and perform stakeholder focus groups to assess progress and priorities.  More specifically, School Review is a(n):
    • reflection on the implementation of a school plan
    • progress check of the vision and goals
    • chance to strengthen, support, and invest stakeholders more deeply in the vision
    • opportunity to set or reiterate goals associated with the implementation of a school vision
    • cycle of inquiry and self-review
    • data analysis, using quantitative and qualitative information gathered by stakeholders
    • opportunity to set or reiterate goals associated with implementation (from WASC, SPSA, PSC, etc.)
    • benchmark and progress check using a rubric and the school's formative data
    The process should be collaborative and include multiple stakeholders in classroom observations, focus groups, and discussion of commendations and recommendations.  It also supports schools in reinforcing or revising their goals and strategic plans, as well as identifying professional development needs.
    • To create the space for school teams to engage in meaningful dialogue to assess programs and strategize
    • To make schools responsive to the needs of students as indicated through multiple-data sources
    • To support school sites' communication with Central office and Local Districts, such that the district has a substantive understanding of school successes and challenges
    • To meet PSC accountability  
    The PSC School Review Process is based on the Instructional Rounds model wherein school teams review data, observe classrooms and have the option to perform stakeholder focus groups to assess progress and priorities.
    1. School leadership identifies a Problem of Practice, articulates a Theory of Action
    2. School Review Team determines a Focus Area for the school.  Depending on the area of focus/problem of practice, a variety of rubrics can be used.  (see Materials and Resources page)
    3. School sets a date for the review, creates an agenda, and begins preparation for the review
    4. The Review Team completes the School Review Final Write-up, submits it to their Local District Director
    5. The LD Director provides the school with a feedback letter based on the findings in the report.
    6. Both Final Write-up and feedback letter are submitted to the Office of School Design Options. 
    Timeline for Completing the Review / Final Report Submission Due Date:
    • Complete the  School Review activities before April 22, 2021.
    • Inform the Office of School Design Options via e-mail to looc@lausd.net of your PSC School Review date.  Focus groups may be conducted prior to the scheduled review dates.
    • Submit final review documents (Final Write-up) within 10 days of the review to your Local District Director.
    • Local District Directors or other identified feedback group will provide the school with a feedback letter within 10 days of receipt of the final report.
    • Final Report AND copy of feedback letter will be submitted to the Office of School Design Options no later than May 27, 2021 via e-mail (looc@lausd.net) in MS Word format.