• Timeline for Budget Development

    Fiscal Year 2014-2015  




    September, 2013

    Closing of the 2012-13 budget

    October, 2013 

    Community Feedback & Superintendent Update

    November, 2013

    Community Feedback & Superintendent Update

    December, 2013

    First Interim/ Proposed LAUSD 2014-15 Budget

    January, 2014 

    Governor’s Budget 2014-15/ Revision to 2014-15 LAUSD budget

    January, 2014  

    State Board of Education Releases Regulations for use of Supplemental and Concentration Funding

    February, 2014

    Board Community Input for LCFF Spending

    February 28, 2014

    Estimated Rate Sheets (Shopping Lists) released

    March 3, 2014

    Program and Budget Handbook Released to Schools

    March 15, 2014

    Budget Allocation Letters Released to Schools

    March 17, 2014

    School Budget Development – School Front End Opens

    March, 2014

    State Board of Education Releases Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Guidelines and Template

    April 11, 2014 

    School Budget Development – School Front End Closes at 5:00 pm

    May, 2014

    Governor’s Budget Revision

    June, 2014

    Board’s Adoption of 2014-15 Budget

    June, 2014

    Concurrent Adoption of Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

    October, 2014 

    Los Angeles County Office of Education Approves or Rejects LAUSD LCAP