• LAUSD's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Pages 


    A Bold New World: A Guide to the Local Control Funding Formula

    Click here to view "EdSource's guide to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), along with news and information about California's K-12 finance system.


    Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)

    Below are links to a short video from FairShare4Kids.org explaining what the Local Control Funding Formula does, and why the formula works the way it does.

    Local Control Funding Formula English- http://budgetrealities.lausd.net/sites/budgetrealities.lausd.net/files/LCFF%20for%20Los%20Angeles%20Unified.mp4

    La Fórmula de Financiamiento de C - http://budgetrealities.lausd.net/sites/budgetrealities.lausd.net/files/LCFF%20for%20Los%20Angeles%20Unified%20Spanish.mp4



    New EdSource Report Underscores Positive Impact of Parent Involvement in Students, Teachers and Schools

    Thigpen, David, Louis Freedberg, Ph.D., Susan Frey.  The Power of Parents, EdSource, February, 2014. Click here to read.



    EdSource Feature Turns States’ Ed Data into Charts in Motion

    By John Fensterwald, EdSource, September 26, 2013. Click here to read.


    California Upends School Funding to Give Poor Kids a Boost

    By Alan Greenblatt, NPR, August 19, 2013. Click here to read.


    California Drops to 49th in School Spending in Annual Ed Week Report

    By John Fensterwald, EdSource, January 14, 2013. Click here to read.



    Beyond Proposition 30: Eight Challenges for California’s Education Future

    By Louis Freedberg, EdSource, November 19, 2012. Click here to read.


    If K-12 Matters Most, Why Doesn’t State Budget Reflect This?

    By Robert Manwaring, EdSource, July 8, 2012. Click here to read. 


    School Funding Primer: A is for Alligator

    By John Fernsterwald, EdSource, August 6, 2012. Click here to read.


    California Now Ranks 49th in the Nation in K-12 Spending

    Adjusted per-pupil expenditures of $8,482, well below the national average of $11,824

     Last year, California ranked 47th

    Source: EdSource, click here



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