
    Welcome to Instructional Program Fiscal Support!


    Instructional Program Fiscal Support

    This unit is responsible for implementing specially funded programs including categorical budgets and grants. It submits funding applications through the Consolidated Application Reporting System to CDE and reports budget data to the LA County Department of Education. It assists the District in budget planning for grants and specially funded programs by developing revenue estimates, developing the Title I ranking of schools, allocates Title I funds and provides fiscal support for schools and offices throughout the District.




    Mission Statement 

    The mission of Instructional Program Fiscal Support is to accurately provide District schools, students, the community, the administration and the Board of Education with budget, financial planning, and related services in a manner that maximizes, distributes, and safeguards the resources available to carry out the educational and support activities of the District.

    About Our Office 

    Julie Ly
    Assistant Budget Director  
     Address: 333 South Beaudry Avenue, 26th Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90017
     Phone: 213-241-2189
     Fax: 213-241-6818
     E-mail: julie.ly@lausd.net


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