What is the connection between science instruction and SBAC results?

  • This page is intended to provide science teachers with resources to engage in professional development conversations about Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) implementation in light of the Smarter Balanced (SBAC) summative assessment results. 


    Science and SBAC Discussion is a PD science departments can use to discuss the implications of SBAC Literacy summative assessment results on the implementation of NGSS. 

    • Download the PowerPoint from this link so you get access to the notes for each slide. 
    • There are hyperlinks on the PowerPoint presentation that guide you to resources that you will need for the discussion.  Sometimes these hyperlinks are in the "notes" section of the slide. 
    • Science departments are encouraged to collaboratively develop tasks that address the 3-Dimensional Learning of NGSS while being mindful of the literacy skills developed in the acquisition of science content. 
    • This PD is designed to be on-going department discussion about refining learning opportunities to meet the new shifts in science instruction through an interative process of planning, implementing, analyzing student work, reflecting, and revising.  


    Reference materials for SBAC Discussions:

    NGSS Overview (Video)

    Why NGSS? (Video)

    Connections between NGSS and CCSS in Literacy

    Connections between NGSS and CCSS Math