Professional Development Offered by The Division of Instruction

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    1- Schools may request professional development on their adopted curriculum by filling out a Google Form. This offer is available for schools that adopt programs from Amplify, Discovery Education, HMH Science Dimensions, or Savvas. 

    2- Introductory to the secondary science curriculum sessions are available at the start of the Spring 2024 Semester. Click to access the flyer for session dates and registrations

    3- Department Chair Convening: In collaboration with the UCLA Science Project, Secondary Science Department Chairs, or Chairs Designees, are invited to   4 days of professional development as a follow-up on their Science Summer Learning. Science leaders will dive into the science and engineering practices for meaningful sense-making and to ensure success on CAST. Phenomena-based instruction, science discourse, and STEM identity are the topics of the other three sessions. The goal is to build the leaders' capacity to take their learning back to school. 

    4- Secondary Science Department Chairs or Designees are invited to learn about the new CAST Interim and Formative Assessment, its implementation, and how to use it to support instruction. All sessions will be on a Thursday. Click on this link for more information.

    5- New Science Teachers with 1-5 years of experience are invited to participate in a year-long institute to build their content and pedagogical capacity to support all students. 

    6- All secondary science teachers have a Gizmos account. Gizmos is a digital tool for virtual labs and simulations. Multiple levels of professional development are available to support teachers' implementation of Gizmos. 

    For any questions, please email Ayham Dahi, Secondary Science Coordinator