- Los Angeles Unified School District
- Job Aids and Quickguides
MyData Student Search Issue
System Status Is On Line
Please be aware, to search for an individual student by Name or ID, follow this path: Click on the MyData selection> Student Search> Search by Name and ID>
Make sure to use upper case as instructed. (All Caps)
You can search by entering a partial student name or District ID. Entering all fields is not required.
If you are only entering the District ID, make sure the field for Last Name is empty, remove the word LASTNAME etc. Then click on Apply
Do not use the student search screen from the landing page, currently there is an issue with that search feature.
MyData/GetData Access Issues:If your access was recently updated, or removed, please go to oneAccess and request the appropriate role again. If oneAccess still displays a current access role, please revoke/remove that previous role before applying again. Any HR employee assignment updates on July 1, 2022 or after, resets your access automatically.
You will need to apply for access again. This is a regular security process.
If you need to review your role, or if you need more information about access, here is the link for the MyData Access Job Aid.
Any other issues with access please contact helpdesk. https://www.lausd.org/helpdesk
Job Aids and Quickguides
Click on the Clipboard to download a PowerPoint or other document. If you need to download Adobe Reader, go to http://www.adobe.com/downloads/
Student Email Account Activation
How does a student activate his/her email account?
Attendance Rates Report - December 2019
How do I find an attendance 3 years comparison reports in MyData?
Troubleshooting a 403 Error
If you receive an error message after a login attempt, refer to this job aid
How do I open a ticket to report an issue with MyData?
How do I report an issue with my access, my student data does not match, how do i find a report etc?
Tips and Tricks
I would like to learn about important functions of MyData like system requirements.
Planning PD
This 3-page guide includes activities for before, during and after your professional development.
My Students, Current Year Data
How can I view my current students' current year data?Email Account Roster
How do I access my Student Email/Account Roster?My Students, Prior Year Data
How can I view my current students' prior year's performance?My Students, End-of-Year Data
View end-of-year performance of your students from the previous year.At Risk and Early Warning Reports
How can I identify students at-risk of dropping out and those needing early intervention?
What report can I use to see if my school's attendance is improving over the months?
Can I compare my monthly attendance this year vs. last year?
How can I find students at my school who have 100% attendance?
What about those who have poor attendance?
What report can I use to compare the proportions of low-attendance-rate students across schools in LAUSD?
Auto Filter in Excel
What is the Auto Filter feature in Excel and how can it help me with MyData reports?
How do I change the filters in MyData reports?
How can I print a report?
How can I download a report?
Comprehensive History Reports
What is the academic and behavioral history for my new student?
CAPA (California Alternate Performance Assessment)
Where can I find CAPA results in MyData?
ELA Intervention
How do I identify which projected 6th - 9th graders need more targeted ELA
intervention? (page 7)
Graduation Progress
Where do I find the Graduation Progress Reports?
Email Addresses
Where can I access a list of emails addresses for all students at my school?
How can I find my school's Fitnessgram data?
Long Term ELs
How do I identify and monitor the Long Term English Learners at my school?
Office Discipline Referrals
What time of day do problem behaviors occur?
What patterns or trends emerge when viewing a report displaying time of incidents?
Where can I find a student's OLSAT score?
Print Screen
Using Print Screen with MyData?
ELD Progress Profile
How can I access the ELD Progress Profile Report?
Elementary Marks
What are the elementary marks for each grade level for the most resent school year and reporting period?
Gifted Students by Subgroup Report
Where can I see my school's enrollment compared to my gifted enrollment?
Gifted Identification Five-Year Trend Report
Where can I see the percentage of English Learners identified as Gifted?
How does it compare to other groups?
Smart Balanced Assessments
Where do I find the Smarter Balanced Assessment Reports?
What type of Reports can I access under the Smarter Balanced Dashboard?
Student Email Account Activation
How does a student activate his/her email account?
Student Email Account - Adult Schools