• Vendor Invoice Management (VIM) FAQs


    Who is going live in VIM?
    Accounts Payable and central offices will be using the new VIM screens in SAP starting September 20, 2021.

    Does that mean school invoices will be processed the existing way?
    Yes, schools will continue to manage their invoices and goods receipts through the existing screens in SAP.

    Will schools see any changes?
    Schools will not see any changes in SAP.  However, VIM will automatically send emails to the PO requisitioner when an invoice cannot be processed due to discrepancies.  An example is the Missing Goods Receipt Notification will be sent from VIM instead of SAP.

    Is VIM making up more reasons for errors?
    No, all errors detected are the same existing errors.

    How do I correct the errors detected by VIM if I am not using VIM?
    Errors should be corrected the same way they are being corrected now. If the error is PO or GR related, you will need to contact Procurement for assistance. If the error is vendor related, you will need to contact the vendor.

    When will the schools start using VIM screens in SAP?
    The go-live dates for schools are still being determined.  The roll-out will be phased-in by local district.  You will receive more information and training as the go-live date for your school gets closer.

    How are things changing for the vendors?
    The District had already requested all vendors to submit their invoices electronically directly to the centralized Accounts Payable email account invoices@lausd.net. VIM will expedite the review process and invoice will be paid when the 3-Way Match and payment terms are met.

    What is the 3-Way Match?
    The 3-Way Match is met when the purchase order, goods receipt and invoice documents match.

    Does this mean that I can’t review the invoice prior to it being paid?
    Prior to your school’s go-live, continue your current process for reviewing invoices.
    After go-live, you will be notified through email that the invoice has been received and you will be able to review the invoice in VIM prior to the Goods Receipt entry.