School Calendar Survey Items

  • Question 1: In your opinion, the school year should start:

    1. Early August
    2. Mid-August
    3. Late August
    4. After Labor Day
    5. It does not matter to me.

    Question 2: The winter break should be:

    1. Two weeks
    2. Three weeks
    3. It does not matter to me.

    Question 3: The District should explore a different, “modified early August” calendar. This option provides a four-week intervention during a shortened summer break. In addition, the winter break would be extended by four weeks to provide interventions. The winter break would last about seven weeks.

    1. I strongly agree
    2. I somewhat agree
    3. I neither agree or disagree
    4. I somewhat disagree
    5. I strongly disagree

    Question 4: It is important that both elementary and secondary schools follow the same calendar.

    1. I strongly agree
    2. I somewhat agree
    3. I neither agree or disagree
    4. I somewhat disagree
    5. I strongly disagree

    Question 5: The first semester should end before the winter break.

    1. I strongly agree
    2. I somewhat agree
    3. I neither agree or disagree
    4. I somewhat disagree
    5. I strongly disagree