Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is L.A. Unified conducting a survey?

    What is the reason for planning the single-track instructional calendar for the next three years?
    Since 2012-13, when the school year started in mid-August, some parents and employees asked the District to “push back” the start of the school year to late August or early September.
    High summer temperatures and the desire to have family vacations were the two main reasons cited. In response, the Board of
    Education adopted a 2015-16 calendar that pushed back the school start date by one week in August.
    To ensure that families don’t have to wonder about the possibility of significant changes in the school calendar on a yearly basis, Superintendent Ramon Cortines will submit the 2016-19 calendar proposal for adoption by the board.


    Why is the District asking input from families and school-based employees regarding school calendars?

    The school calendar affects more than 600,000 families, and thousands of employees.

    Recognizing how important this topic is for our stakeholders, the District is committed to conducting a robust survey before Superintendent Cortines presents recommendations to the Board for the adoption of a school calendar for the next three years. The board votes to adopt the final calendar based on recommendation from the Superintendent and feedback from stakeholders.


    How will the survey results be used?

    The results will be shared with the L.A. Unified community. The board will review this information before voting in January 2016 on a final calendar.


    I have already responded to a phone survey in late September. Do I have to do the survey again?

    More than 58,000 families responded to the phone survey in September. Although this is an unprecedented high response rate, many families and employees experienced technical difficulties with completing the survey, and asked that it be repeated, and to offer an online version.

    Due to the time that elapsed between surveys, and because respondents might opt for different answers, the survey will be offered to everyone again. The content of the survey will be the same as it was in September.


    Will the District compile the results of the phone survey conducted on September 25 and 26, 2015?

    Yes, results of the previous poll will be shared with the L.A. Unified community, along with results of the second survey.