Subgroup Smarter Balanced Professional Development Resources

  • As school teams analyze student data, teachers may have questions about how certain subgroups of students could be supported to address the achievement gap. The resources below should be used by school instructional leadership teams and professional development leaders to explore how these results are connected to student needs and what strategies may support greater success for student subgroups.
    English Language Learners
    • SBAC Digital Library - The digital library has many resources and examples of formative assessments to support teachers in learning about instructional strategies to support English Language Learners.
    • Understanding Language: Language, Literacy and Teaching in the Content Areas - This website was created by the Stanford Graduate School of Education to heighten awareness of the language and literacy issues embedded within the new California Standards. Within the website are many resources such as papers and videos from experts for whole school teams and content area teams to explore.
    • English Language Development Standards - This link is to the Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department, but you can access the ELD Standards information in the tab at the top. These new standards clarify what knowledge, skills, and abilities are needed to help ELs engage with and master the state’s content standards, including college- and career-readiness standards. All teachers are expected to know and use these new standards alongside the California standards when teaching English Learners.
    Special Education Students